Who Is This?

"Guys, can we please change the subject? What is the point of talking about a person who is not here, and with whom Corey and I are not even familiar?" Elena suggested.

"Yes, you are right. It is not worth meeting with him for Corey. But you will face him anyway since he is your boyfriend's brother," Rick said sarcastically.

"Guys, guys! I'll bring you something now! Look, what Rick and I bought!" Corey quickly ran into the hall and returned with four water pistols in her hands, "Ta-da !! Let's have a battle, 2x2? It will be fun!"

Elena looked at her friend shining with radiant happiness and could not refuse her frankly childish proposal. "Well, I agree. Only I will team up with Corey!" The girl put her demands.

"How come?!" both men were dissatisfied with her decision.

Corey laughed and hugged Elena, "I agree! Let's tear these two together! But at first, you need to put the sun protection cream on. I know how sensitive your skin is."

"Let me do this," David immediately took the opportunity to steal Elena from a friend at least for a couple of minutes.

"Well, just do it right," Corey told him severely.

"You cannot doubt it," he replied and took the cream from the table. "Undress yourself!"

Elena glanced at David, shook her head and obediently took off her outerwear, remaining in the bathing suit only, which she had put on earlier.

The man's eyes glittered in anticipation of further action. He squeezed a little cream into his palm and began to rub it into every centimeter of Elena's skin slowly and carefully.

Her back, legs, chest, abdomen, arms. David took her left hand and began to massage it gently. Suddenly one thing caught his attention.

"What is this?" he asked, pointing to the spot on the girl's left forearm.

"Where? Ah, this is just a scar. It has been with me since childhood," Elena replied calmly.

David leaned over and kissed the skin that had been damaged by this scar. "I'm so sorry you had to suffer so much pain," he said with sadness.

"Hey, common, what's with you? This is just an ordinary scar. I don't even remember how I got it. You shouldn't be so upset about something so unimportant," Elena encouraged him, surprised by the impressionability of the young man.

"If you say so," David smiled a little sadly and let go of Elena's hand. "Well, you are all set," he winked at the girl and again became as merry as before.

'Hmm, somehow this is all strange,' Elena thought, looked at her hand and went to the side of the pool, where Rick and Corey had already begun a water fight.

Four friends had had fierce battles with each other for one hour, and as a result, the girls' team had a confident victory. They filled the glasses with cold juice and sat down on the lounge chairs, enjoying the pleasant fatigue of active water activities.

At that moment, Corey's phone rang.

"Hello? Yes, mom?... I am with friends... When?... Now?... And what's with such a hurry?... Hmm, well, okay, whatever you say. I'll be home in forty minutes", Corey hung up and began thinking about something.

"What is it?" Elena asked her.

"Hmm, I don't know. Mom said to go home urgently. She had a strange voice."

"Let me take you home then. I don't want to spoil your parents' impression of me when we haven't even really met yet," Rick suggested.

Corey nodded her head affirmatively and went to pack her things.

"Well, we'll go too, then," David replied.

"Yes, thank you for coming. It was fun," Rick smiled and thanked his friends for a visit.

When everyone was ready, friends said goodbye. David took Elena to her home, and Corey went with Rick.

The young man stopped the car in front of the girl's house.

"Do you want to come in? I will introduce you to my parents," Corey suggested.

"Uh, no. I think today is not the best option. I have no gifts, no flowers for your mom. Let's do it at the end of the week?" Rick said.

"Good let it be your way."

"That's my clever girl," Rick leaned over and kissed Corey. "That's it, go. I do not want you to have problems because you came late."

Corey smiled, got out of the car, waved to Rick, and went into her house.

'Hmm, do we have guests?' The girl saw an unfamiliar pair of shoes in the hallway.

She took off her shoes and went into the living room. Entering the room, she saw her parents and an unknown young man. They were drinking tea and discussing something lively.

Her mother noticed that Corey had returned and immediately jumped up. "Oh, Corey, baby, you're finally home! Come in, come in. I need to introduce you to someone."

The young man looked at the girl, got up from the couch and bowed. Straightening, he smiled, and the girl's heart missed the beat. The man was handsome, but there was something strange in his eyes, something that made Corey feel that she was falling into a trance.

To distract herself from these strange sensations, she turned her gaze to her mother. Corey's eyes were asking a question, 'Mom, who is this?'

The woman, immediately realizing her daughter's confusion, answered happily,

"Corey! This is Daniel Anderson. He is your future husband!"