Unexpected Emotions.

Elena was standing backstage and watching her father get ready for the interview. The makeup artist was putting a special make-up on Mr. Lee's face so it would look as natural as possible.

The studio was bright and spacious. The live broadcast went on prime time and always attracted a lot of attention from the audience. This show was known for its tricky questions that the host asked his guests. Usually, all subjects were agreed upon in advance, but there were often cases when the guest was not warned about some questions, which took many people by surprise.

The audience liked to see the confused looks on the guests' faces, so they were looking forward to the moment when the host went to the part of the program called 'hidden truth'.

Elena's father was not particularly enthusiastic about participating in this show, but the current situation required it. Moreover, the second guest on the show was supposed to be "Mr. X" - a secret scientist of Greenline Inc., who everyone was so eager to see.

Chen Lee, as the main representative of the Greenline's business rival, had already known what particular person was being discussed, and could foresee what kind of tricky questions could be asked.

That is why he decided to agree to participate in the show. The man wanted to use this opportunity to bring to light these deceivers if the situation lets him do it.

He did not plan to raise it to a public conflict, but if the situation turned out this way, then this show would be an excellent platform to declare his complaints.

The only thing remained was to wait for the arrival of the second guest, which everyone was looking forward to. No one has ever seen him live, but as soon as the program staff heard his name, even then they could imagine that his appearance would cause a sensation.

After all, it was none other than the elder brother of one of the most enviable eligible bachelors of the planet. It was Daniel Anderson.

Elena, watching all this preparatory turmoil, slightly yawned and decided to go out into the corridor. She slept badly last night. Knowing that she would have to meet with David's brother, who brought her best friend to tears and put her in an extremely difficult situation, the girl went through various conversation options in her head. In all those variants she was convincing Daniel, in a variety of ways, to mind his own business.

She took out the phone and sent David a message.

[Good morning. How are you? My father and I are at the studio, he will be on air at 9-30 A.M. and he, as always, dragged me along. By the way, your brother should also be here. I apologize to you in advance for telling him what a nasty jerk he is. Have a good day and don't forget to have breakfast. Kiss you!]

Having thought a little, she deleted the last sentence and sent a message.

Elena put the phone back to her pocket and leaned against the cool wall. Pleasant sensations caused a wave of relaxation in the body, and the girl automatically closed her eyes.

Only she wanted to plunge into a light nap as a stinging female voice interrupted her.

"If you decide to take a nap, find a better place and do not stand in the way of other people!"

Elena opened her eyes slowly and turned her head. She saw Melinda standing next to her with some other girl, casting a glance of discontent toward Elena.

'And why can't my morning be quiet and calm,' she sighed with annoyance. "Good morning to you too, Melinda. As I can see, you, as always, have a great mood."

Melinda's face flinched with anger, but she tried not to show it in all the ways.

"Yes, indeed, it's a wonderful morning. So that you know, I have three shootings today, and everywhere I am the main guest. Unlike others, who, like a shadow, follow the main character. Or characters, depending on the situation," Melinda answered maliciously.

Elena glanced apathetically at the girl; now she had no desire to argue. "Yes, yes, congratulations."

Melinda, to give proper respect to her, has really achieved great success in the past three months. She always loved to dance. The girl passed a series of auditions to participate in one of the most popular dance show and won it.

Many professionals recognized her outstanding talent and invited her as a member of the jury of the national competition for dancing among young people.

In addition to professional skills, she had an attractive appearance and was great on camera, which made her a welcome guest at many shows. Her daily life has changed dramatically. The only thing that remained the same was her harmful nature.

Elena looked at the girl again. For some reason, Melinda seemed to her like an ordinary whimsical child, loving to defy adults. This thought caused a smile on her face, and Elena said sincerely,

"Congratulations on winning the contest. You're doing fine. I am glad that your work is recognized and appreciated. I wouldn't be able to do it."

She said it quite honestly and smiled warmly. Melinda was confused by the unexpected reaction of the girl. There was a blush on her cheeks, and she barely restrained an embarrassed but joyful smile.

Coughing slightly, Melinda said, "Khem, yes, you're right. I worked a lot, so I deserved this success." Seeing Elena's smile in response, she hesitated a little and said hastily, "Okay, I'm busy. Bye," and went down the corridor with a quick step and headed to the studio which she needed.

Turning the corner, she pulled the phone out of her pocket. She really wanted to share her wonderful mood with a man who she liked insanely, but who had refused to meet with her for two months.

Clicking on his phone number, Melinda listened to a series of beeps, but the caller did not answer. She flipped through the phone book and made another call. After two beeps, the man picked up the phone and answered in a cold voice,


"Um, good morning, sir Alan. This is Melinda. Tell me, please, uh... could your Master meet with me? I haven't been able to get in touch with him for a long time."

Alan said nothing, sighed pointedly, so that the girl could hear it clearly, and then replied, "Miss Matthews, the Master is very busy right now. I advise you not to bother him with your calls ever again. My Master does not like obsessive people."

"Oh, well, then I will wait...," the girl did not have time to finish the sentence when she heard the telephone beeps in response.

'I just wanted to share my good mood and my success,' the girl thought with sadness. 'Hmm, well, okay. I did great anyway. Now he will definitely pay more attention to me,' Melinda encouraged herself and joyfully kept on going.

Elena glanced through the receding silhouette of the girl and thought, with surprise, that the meeting which at first turned out to be unpleasant, left good emotions in the end.

'This is weird, I couldn't have imagined before that Melinda could make me feel such emotions,' she thought and smiled.

"And what was the reason for such a charming smile on the face of such a beautiful girl?"

Elena turned around when she heard a male voice which she has never heard before.

Behind her, there was a tall and handsome man. His dark hair, eyes, features. The girl immediately understood who it was.

Having met Elena's eyes, the man narrowed his eyes slightly and bared his snow-white teeth in a charming smile.

Elena grinned.

'So here you are, at last. Daniel Anderson. '