I'd Like To Thank You.

Elena looked at the screen and could not believe her eyes. 'This is the end,' she thought. At the moment, it didn't matter to her that the whole country had learned about their relationship with David. The worst thing was that her father found out about it, found out in the most unpleasant way.

He asked her to control her behavior in the communication with the younger Anderson, and now, it turns out, she did not listen to him and did the opposite behind his back. And, ironically, it was precisely tonight that she wanted to ask her father to meet with David so that they could talk and ask him for permission for their relationship.

Elena closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then she turned her head and looked at her father.

Chen Lee looked very serious, but sadness and disappointment were clearly visible in his eyes. Elena's heart sank; she felt very guilty in front of her father.

"Miss Lee, how would you comment on these photos? I think it is obvious to the audience that your friendship with David Anderson is on a very intimate level, "Juliette grinned.

"I don't have to answer this question, and besides, I don't have the slightest desire to comment on these photos in any way," Elena replied coldly.

"Our guest apparently does not know that the main feature of our program is tricky and inconvenient questions. But this is exactly what our audience would like to know."

"Does your audience know what does the term 'illegal interference with private life' mean?" President Lee asked the host.

Juliette was a little tense, as guests usually perceived such situations with humor or were so confused that they were easy to manage and conduct the dialogue in the right way.

But this couple of father and daughter outwardly looked very restrained, as if they were not at all interested in the fact that they were in the center of a public scandal.

"Mr. Lee, you may not know about it, but all these photos are freely available online, we just decided to ask a question, the answer to which interests our audience very much. Tell us please, do you approve of your daughter's relationship with David? He is your actual business rival," the host asked, not paying attention to the disgruntled reaction of her guests.

"I think Miss Host didn't listen to my answers to her questions carefully enough. This is very strange, given your experience on television," Chen began in a calm and confident voice, "As I said earlier, my daughter's personal life is her own business. As for the young man, David Anderson is a successful professional in his field, otherwise, Greenline Inc. would not be such a serious competitor for us," President Lee finished his answer and looked coldly at the woman.

Juliette tried to keep a smile on her face in every possible way, but with every minute her attempts to look decent were unsuccessful.

She decided to switch to Daniel, who was sitting in his chair and did not seem to care about what was going on, "Daniel, and what is your opinion about the relationship between your brother and Miss Lee?" Juliette asked him straight.

Daniel put his hand on his chin and, as if fantasizing about something, said thoughtfully, "I've been thinking about this, Juliette. If Elena becomes the wife of my younger brother, she will be the wife and daughter of some of the most respected people on the planet. Don't you think it's worth having a good relationship with such people?" Daniel asked and looked at the host closely.

She did not know what to answer. She has encountered such an attack from the guests for the first time, and completely lost control of the situation. Having somehow finished the program, she hastily said goodbye to the guests and sneaked into her dressing room.

Five minutes after that, Juliette heard a knock at the door.

"Who is there?" The woman asked reluctantly.

"Juliette, this is Daniel. I would like to thank you for the wonderful interview," the man answered in a kind voice.

'Did you want to thank me? Did I hear you right? During the shooting, he didn't look pleased,' the woman thought with doubt, but she opened the door anyway.

As soon as she met Daniel's eyes, a cold shiver ran through her whole body. The man gazed at her like a predator at cornered prey.