Leave Your Heart Open.

President Lee got up from his chair and walked over to the cupboard. Taking out a bottle, Chen poured himself half a glass of whiskey and sat back in his seat.

"16 years ago," calming down a bit, he continued, "We planned to make a serious contract with Greenline Inc. to develop a single drug that could turn the whole world upside down. The formula of this medicine has been transmitted to our family for seven centuries, but it was exclusively used by members of the Lee family.

I do not know how David's father found out about it, but he came to me with an offer, and I found it very profitable back then. However, at some point, they changed their mind. I refused the contract, after which their company moved to direct blackmail and threats. But I never thought they would take such measures," Chen took another sip and fell silent.

He carefully looked at the picture on the bookshelf which was on the opposite wall.

"Do you love him?" He suddenly asked, turning to his daughter.

Elena was confused when she heard this question but decided to tell her father the truth, "I do," she whispered faintly.

"I see...," Chen sighed, and looked again at the photo, "You know, this photo was taken a week before they died. Jun was just four years old. What do you think, why did such a small child deserve such a cruel death?"

Elena did not answer; she had a lump in her throat and tears were about to rise in her eyes.

Chen looked at his daughter, "Leave me. I want to be alone," he said calmly and turned his back to her.

Elena obediently got up from the chair and quietly left his office. Going up the stairs, she went into her room.

At that moment her phone rang in her pocket. The girl took it in her hands and looked at the display.

The name of the caller [David] was highlighted on the screen. She silently looked at the phone, watching as the next call remained unanswered. After the fifth missed call, Elena switched off the phone, lay down on the bed and burst into tears.

. . .

President Lee spent half an hour in the office, thinking about something. Then he took a notebook from the desk drawer, flipped through several pages, found the number he needed and made a call.

"Hello. This is Lee from Lee Pharmaceuticals. I would like to meet Madame Wang. When does she have free time? Say that I am willing to pay any amount required so that the meeting takes place as soon as possible."

After a brief silence, he heard the answer, "Madame Wang said she was waiting for your call. You can meet her in an hour. Can you come?"

Chen jumped up and did not hesitate for a second, confirmed his intention, "Of course, of course. Tell her that I will be there in 50 minutes. Thank you!"

He quickly left the office, went up to his bedroom, changed quickly and called the driver. Heading toward the exit, he stopped near Elena's room and wanted to knock to warn her of his departure. But his hand did not dare touch the closed door of his daughter. He stood in front of her room for a minute, then turned and walked quickly down the corridor.

. . .

High skyscrapers were gradually replaced by smaller houses until the urban landscape was completely replaced by the usual country view. A black Mercedes was driving fast along expensive villas surrounded by a high fence. Arriving at the barrier at the designated place, the car stopped, and President Lee stepped out.

"Wait for me here. They don't let the car pass through," he instructed the driver and entered the private territory through a high gate.

Having walked about two hundred meters through a garden that looked more like a dense forest, Chen Lee saw a small house in classical Chinese style in front of him.

When he approached the house, he took off his shoes at the entrance and knocked.

The door was immediately opened to him by a young man who looked like a monk. Bowing to the guest, he said, "Madame Wang is waiting for you. Come inside, please."

Mr. Lee bowed back and followed the guide. They walked along several rooms through a narrow corridor and stopped before the last one. The young man silently opened the door, signaled to the guest that he could enter, and closed the door behind him.

Chen obediently went to the center of the room and sat on the floor.

"Mr. Lee, you haven't visited me for a long time," a hoarse female voice addressed to President Lee.

An adult woman aged about seventy was sitting in front of him at the table. The table was full of different incenses.

Chen Lee bowed to the floor and said respectfully, "Madame Wang, it is a great honor for me that you agreed to an unplanned meeting with me."

"Well, for someone it is not planned, but the other one, on the contrary, was waiting for this meeting with great impatience," the woman answered with a riddle.

"Your wisdom, as always, knows no limits, madam."

"Mr. Lee, let's leave these respectabilities. You better tell me what's bothering you and what brought you to me this time."

"This concerns my daughter, Madame. Remember, 15 years ago, you told me to adopt a girl from an orphanage house. According to your prophecy, this girl was supposed to give me my family back and bring well-being to the Lee House. You were absolutely right. My business is flourishing now more than ever, and this girl is like a daughter to me, she is my family. That's why I don't know what to do."

The man looked completely bewildered and depressed. Madame Wang looked at him attentively and said in a calm voice,

"Remember, when you came to me then, you were absolutely desperate. You had no reason to live, you didn't want to live..."

"Yes, Madame, that's right. I had been trying to find the proof for a year in order to punish those responsible for the deaths of my family, but all my attempts were unsuccessful," President Lee said sadly.

"But do you remember what I told you then?" she asked him.

"Yes, Madame. You gave me the address of the place where I could find a girl to adopt her and to make her a part of my family."

"That is correct," Madame Wang confirmed his words. "And now, as far as I understand, you are fine. So what are you afraid of, Mr. Lee?"

The man looked up at the woman. He seemed very confused and hesitant. Getting his thoughts, he replied,

"I'm afraid of losing my daughter. I fear that they may take her away from me, just as they took my family."

The woman said nothing. She lit a few incense sticks and looked thoughtfully at the smoke, that was slowly rising.

"Chen," she called to him by his first name, "I will not give you any prophecies today. But I will give you one piece of advice. Your mind must be sharp, and your heart must be open. Only then can you see the truth. Not all things are as they may seem to us at first glance. Leave your mind and your heart open, and then you will find the answers to the questions that bother you," said the shaman and smiled kindly.

Having seen the smile of an old woman, the man felt better in his soul. She did not say anything special to him, but her words seemed to have removed a weight off his mind.

He thanked Madame Wang and went outside. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

President Lee walked smoothly toward his parked car. Getting into the car, he sat down comfortably in his chair and looked through the glass at the sun, which was getting ready to set.

"President Lee, what are your further instructions? Where are we going now?" his driver asked.

"Home. Let's go home," Chen replied and looked at the blue sky, which was gradually filling with pink colors.