That's it. Checkmate.

When Chen returned home, he went to the kitchen, took out his daughter's favorite pastries and made tea. Then he went upstairs, and knocked at her room,

"Elena, forgive me, please, for being so harsh on you. I did not mean that. You are my dear and beloved daughter, and I can't help worrying about you," he stopped for a moment, and then continued,

"Listen, if you love this man, I am ready to meet with him and to talk to him. But I do not promise to approve your relationship. But I'm ready to talk."

Elena did not answer. The man sighed, scratched his head in thought, and said,

"Daughter, I love you. And your happiness comes first for me. Um, I bought some cakes for you, if you want, you can eat them, they are in the kitchen," President Lee added, a little embarrassed by his own words.

He went further along the corridor, but suddenly he heard a click. Turning around, he saw Elena standing in the doorway of her room.

"Dad, I love you too. Thank you," the girl answered and smiled.

The man smiled back and said, "You better hurry if you don't want to drink an ice tea."

Elena nodded approvingly, closed the door, walked over to her father, hugged him tightly and headed for the kitchen.

Chen Lee went to the office, took a photo of his wife and son from the shelf, and then ran his fingers over their faces.

"I wish you were with us. Liu Yang, I'm sure you would love her as much as I love her. She is a wonderful child. Therefore, I am no longer so lonely," the man kissed the faces of his wife and son, and then, smiling, put their photo back where it was.

. . .

The study room in one of the mansions in the countryside.

"Master, there's a guest waiting for you."

"Let him in."

Alan nodded and opened the door. The tall man entered the room, walked straight to the desk, and sat down in the opposite chair imposingly.

The Master was sitting at his desk and playing chess.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to know about me so quickly," he replied, staring at his guest.

"You just underestimate me. But I am here for a reason. Here is my business offer," the guest took out a green folder and handed it to the Master.

The man opened the folder and looked through what was inside it quickly. His face instantly lit up with a contented smile, "Are you sure you will not regret your decision?" he asked his guest.

"If you let me work with you, then everything suits me. But in exchange for this folder, I would like to get something equivalent."

"For example?" the Master asked him.

"Anything about Lee Pharmaceuticals."

"Hmmm, and you seem to know why you came here," the Master grinned, got up from his chair and walked to the bookcase. Running his fingers through the dense row of folders, he pulled out one of them and handed it to his guest. "How about this?"

The man looked at the document and asked with a note of doubt in his voice, "Is this authentic information?"

"Absolutely. But this is all I've got," the Master answered and smiled foxily.

The guest studied the documents again, slammed the folder, got up from the chair and extended his hand to him, "I agree. It suits me."

After that, he left the office and went away.

Alan looked at the Master and asked anxiously, "Sir, are you sure you can trust him?"

The man looked away from his game and said, "So go and keep an eye on him."

"Got it, sir. Will be done. I have one more question. This concerns Miss Matthews. She has been really imposing recently. What should I answer her?"

The master bent his head back as if he had a headache, "Alan, deal with her yourself. She is no longer interesting to me. I have no need for an empty pawn when I now have the queen in my hands," the man replied, but, after a while, he added. "Just be gentle with her. Still, she is a lady," the Master finished his answer and grinned deviously.

"Got it, Sir. Will be done. By the way, the media will begin the execution of the task on Monday."

"Oh, this is great news, Alan! Thank you. You are free to go."

Alan bowed and left the office. The man returned to his chess, made several moves and whispered with satisfaction, "Well, that's it. Checkmate."