Daniel was sitting in the CEO's chair relaxedly while the rest of the board members were coming into the conference room and sitting down in their seats.
"Mr. Anderson, what is such an urgent meeting about? Many of us were busy with very important matters," one of the dignified older men asked him.
"If the fact that your money is melting in front of you is not considered an important matter, then I strongly doubt your professionalism as a manager," the young man replied sarcastically.
"Since not everyone may be aware of the current situation, I will quickly explain to you what is the matter and what caused the meeting today. Each one has a report on the table, kindly prepared by our wonderful secretary at my indiscreet request," Daniel glanced at Lily, and the girl cringed at his attention.
For the last two hours she worked as a squirrel in a cage, just to complete all the tasks of this monster boss as soon as possible. She would never complain about David's demands again, never in her life! He was the best boss in the world, if you compare him with this demon dressed in the sheep's clothing, sitting imposingly at the head of the table.
"As you can see from the report, Greenline Inc. stocks have lost more than 15 percent in the last half hour. Such a sharp drop is due to the negative attitude of the media towards the information about my brother's personal life that had recently leaked out. Besides, some organization or individual, it is still unknown to us, is actively buying up shares not only of our company but also the ones of Lee Pharmaceuticals and even the Berne Group, as they are close partners to us."
"And what do you propose to do?" one of the directors asked Daniel.
The young man grinned, and the devilish lights began to play in his eyes. "I propose to make a refutation. The essence of the idea is on the last page of the report."
All those present turned over the document to the last page, and there was a deathly silence in the hall. They began to look at each other, but no one dared to express their opinion.
Suddenly one of the directors could not hold it anymore and said loudly, "Mr. Anderson, with all due respect to you, but such a decision is too radical! Do you want Lee Pharmaceuticals to sue us?!"
"If the fall in stocks continues at the same pace, then we will not care anymore, the losses will be too great," Daniel replied evenly.
"But still, to put President Lee's daughter in a such a light... Have you thought about the girl's reputation?"
"I don't care," the elder Anderson answered indifferently.
"Mr. Anderson, I'm not sure that your brother would approve such a decision. Let's…"
"David is not here right now, he is generally on a different mainland," Daniel interrupted the talking man, "And at the moment he is unavailable. Are you ready to wait a day or two before taking action, or are you ready to take responsibility and act now? Do not forget, we are not alone in this situation. And how other opponents will behave - we do not know."
"Mr. Anderson is right," one of those present spoke in support of him, "Now every minute counts. I support this initiative. Although it seems to me very extreme. But at the moment, this is probably the best thing that can somehow influence the situation on the market."
"So, I propose a vote. Although it is not so necessary with my controlling stake, still. Who supports this proposal, please raise your hands." Daniel raised his hand high up and, following him, everyone slowly raised their hands in agreement.
"Fine. Approved unanimously." The young man's face lit up with a contented and sinister smile.
. . .
Lee Pharmaceuticals head office.
"Rick, good to see you! It is a pity that we are meeting under such conditions," Mr. Lee greeted the young man.
"Hello, Mr. Lee. I'm sure you understand why I'm here," Rick replied and shook Chen's hand. "I am extremely worried about what is happening in the market. But I am even more concerned that the Berne Group stocks were also influenced. As a person responsible for the marketing strategy of our companies, I came to discuss several options with you."
"Ok, I agree. It is a pity that you cannot work for me. It looks like I need to reconsider the level of professionalism of my employees seriously," Chen said with annoyance.
"Ahaha, you don't say! Of course, I'm very competent, but do not underestimate your staff. In any case, I am glad that we have such a wonderful partnership," Rick replied with respect. "Now our task is to solve all current problems as quickly as possible. And for this, I will need your full support, Mr. Lee."
"Rick, you can not even doubt. Ready to do everything in my power."
"Good. Then let me tell you about a few ideas that came to my mind."
Rick began to share his suggestions, and each of them caused President Lee to be increasingly amazed. This young man was just a genius in his business. Even more than 20 years of management experience did not allow Chen to come up with such options.
A sudden knock at the door interrupted their lively discussion. One of the staff members walked uncertainly into the office and stood at the door.
Chen looked at the man's pale face.
"Judging by your expression, something happened, right? Get on with it; what's the matter?"
"Y-yes, Mr. President," the man began to speak in a stumbling voice, "Greenline Inc. released a refutation on its website."
"What kind of refutation are you talking about?" Mr. Lee did not understand him at once.
"Here, have a look," the man, with trembling hands, extended a printed version of the statement, "And more than that, two articles immediately appeared in the leading newspapers."
The president took the documents, and as soon as his gaze fell on the content of the articles, his face was immediately covered with a wave of rage,
Rick immediately grabbed the paper, and his eyes also widened in shock from what he saw. He understood the reaction of President Lee perfectly well.
'Damn, they were ahead of us. But I did not expect such dirtiness.' He quickly ran over the headlines.
Rick sighed heavily; the scandal of this level was not included in his plans. Now it was urgent to come up with something else.
President Lee was walking up and down the office ferociously and shouting out curses at the competitors. Then he stopped abruptly and looked at his employee, who by that time had become even paler.
"Don't tell me it's not all?"
"N-no, sir. Here is another interview. Just came out on CNN."
The worker opened the browser on his laptop, which he held in his hands, mentally crossed himself and pressed the play button.
When the two-minute video ended, deathly silence hung in the office.
"I'll kill this jerk," President Lee hissed viciously. His eyes were burning with hate.