Promise Me.

Lena opened her eyes and stretched lazily in bed. She had not felt so energetic after the night dream for a long time. As if all problems and fears had disappeared forever, and the rays of the sun coming through the glass seemed brighter than usual to her.

Even the room which she lived in now looked brighter and more comfortable in her eyes. There was only one thing left - to wait for dinner, to see him again.

She rolled onto her side, closed her eyes and began to recall yesterday evening. The cheeks of the girl were flushed. Her she-friends had always been eagerly discussing the boys, their first kisses and how they first walked with them by the hand.

Lena was not particularly interested in this at that time, despite the fact that many boys who lived nearby trying to gain the attention of the girl in every possible way.

She did not think about what her first kiss would be, who that person would be, what she would feel. But now, when she experienced these feelings and met Daniel, she was ready to cry in happiness. She was so happy that she was scared.

The girl decided to get rid of evil thoughts from herself and fell into a light nap, thinking only of the good.

As if feeling her mood, the gray clouds that had covered the sky for the last few days had disappeared. The sun was eagerly illuminating the dining room, creating the feeling that spring would come soon, although the springtime was way far ahead.

She sat down at the table and began to watch the entrance. Daniel did not take long to come and came two minutes after. They smiled at each other when their eyes met, and the young man walked confidently toward the girl.

He sat down next to her, and their shoulders touched each other, Daniel took Lena's hand and squeezed tight in his palm, "Hello. Did you have time to rest?"

He wanted to hug her, hold her close, kiss every inch of her charming face, but the only thing he could do at that moment was to hold her hand in his palm so as not to attract too much attention. But even this opportunity was like a miracle for him. In secret from Lena, he enjoyed every second, because he knew that those minutes were the last when he could see her.

Yesterday, he allowed himself to be an egoist when he decided to reveal his feelings to the girl on the last day of his life. He hoped that she would listen to him, and he would be able to leave the world with a light heart. But when he found out that the girl had the feelings for him as well, indescribable pain and happiness mingled in his heart. He did not want to leave her, and every second next to her was like a priceless treasure.

Every second he felt that he loved this girl more and more. Why can't people stop time? Why can't he take her and instantly move the girl to a safe place where no one will hurt her? Where he can hug her and not let go of his hands until the last beat of his heart... Why did everything have to happen this way? Did they really deserve all this?

Daniel felt that from these thoughts he began to fall into despair, but one glance at the girl sitting next to him instantly restored his strength. He had to stay strong until the very end.

"Ha, what a nice picture! Aren't you sitting too close to each other?" Marcus sat down opposite the couple and gave them a stinging glance. "So, pal, are you ready for the evening procedures?" he asked Daniel maliciously.

The young man looked at Marcus with hatred, "Watch your tongue. You are not welcome here, so go have fun elsewhere."

"Yes, I will have fun both today and tomorrow, and in a month, and in a year... Not like some people," Marcus laughed and kept on going.

"Daniel, what kind of procedures was he talking about?" Armand asked the young man. He knew his brother well, and some truth was always hidden behind any of his evil jokes.

"Oh, nothing special," Daniel replied. How could he confess that in the evening he would be dead, and his body would be studied as if he was a silent frog, and not a living human being? Lump stepped up to his throat; he swallowed it and looked at Lena.

Anxiety and fear could be read in the girl's eyes. He pressed her hand to himself, "Do not worry, this is the usual test. Everything will be fine."

Lena nodded, smiled back, but inside she felt an increasing sense of anxiety.

Her time was coming to an end; she had to return to her room no later than the appointed time. "Daniel, I have to go. Be sure to eat well and rest after your procedures. See you tomorrow." She wanted to get up from the table, but the young man would not let go of her hand.

He seemed lost in his thoughts. Lena felt him squeezing her palm even more tightly in his hand, then slowly loosened his grip, and his warm fingers slid over her palm. Daniel let go of her hand and smiled with a look full of tenderness and love, "Yes, see you tomorrow. I was very glad to see you. Promise me not to be sad, ok?"

"Ok, I promise," Lena smiled in response, waved goodbye to him and went to the exit. With each step she took, the young man's heart slowed down. He tried to remember her every movement and mentally parted with her. Forever and ever.