I'll Give You a Chance.

The ritual hall was a round room. Twelve columns were located around the circumference of the hall, forty-eight windows allowed to let in as much sunshine and moonlight as necessary, the twelve-pointed swastika in the center of the floor completed the overall image of the mystery of the room.

Lena and Daniel were brought into the hall, and she felt that even the smell in this room was heavy. In the center, there was an incomprehensible apparatus of a round shape, around which there were tables with wires connected to them.

"Let the girl go, she didn't break any rules. It was me who started the fight, and I would be responsible for this," Daniel turned to Richard, who approached one of the men in a white robe who were in the hall.

Richard looked at the young man and grinned. He approached Lena and threw his arm around her shoulders as if they were close friends.

"Kitten, do you want me to tell you a secret? This guy standing opposite," he pointed his finger at Daniel, "accidentally saw that your name was among those who were selected to take part in one experiment. And can you believe what he suggested? He agreed to give up his life so that nothing would be done to you. Well, isn't he a cutie?" Richard winked at Lena and laughed contentedly.

The girl's face turned pale. She looked at Daniel, unable to believe the words that Richard had just said.

The young man looked back with sadness and turned his gaze away.

'So it's true...,' Lena's hands trembled, and she felt that she was about to faint from the shock that had hit her.

Richard took a syringe with a silver liquid from the table and brought it to the girl's neck. Daniel's heart skipped a beat with terror. Steiner looked at him and smiled joyfully, "Oh, you know what it is, right? An interesting thing, huh?"

"You promised not to touch her! Let her go now! You can do whatever you want with me, just let her go!" Daniel shouted.

"Boy, we promised you that she would be excluded from the list for THAT experiment, and now," Richard stuck a syringe into the girl's neck and injected the silver liquid to the last drop, "Oops, the hand slipped off." Lena's body was paralyzed, and she fell to the floor. Richard waved the soldiers to pick her up and lay her on one of the tables.

"Bastard! Scum! You are all out of your minds! You will burn in hell for all that you are doing!" Daniel tried to break free to cling to this man, but the soldiers were holding him tight.

"Yes, yes, of course," Richard commented on Daniel's words indifferently, took a second syringe and approached the young man, "Well, are you ready?"

Daniel looked at Steiner with hatred and spat in his face. Richard froze for a moment, raised his hand and wiped the saliva from his cheek, "Wow, how reckless this boy is!" He handed the syringe to the soldier standing nearby and hit Daniel hard in the stomach. The young man doubled over in pain but kept himself on his feet.

"Give him a double dose!" Richard commanded.

"But Herr Steiner, there is a high probability that the object will not withstand the pressure," one of the scientists tried to convince him.

"EXECUTE ORDER NOW!" Richard yelled in a rage.

A man in a white coat did not argue with the boss anymore and gave Daniel a double dose of silver substance, after which the young man was placed on a table next to Lena.

Richard went to the girl and ran his hand through her hair. "My little kitten, the liquid you have been given, has a convenient effect for us and an unpleasant effect for you. We can work quietly, without being distracted by your screams. And you, well, you will have to endure all the pain in a fivefold amount, but you cannot even utter a sound since your body is completely paralyzed."

Richard bent down and whispered in her ear, "But even this can't be compared with what your friend will feel," the man brushed away the tears that had rolled from the eyes of the girl, "You really should try not to die. I have big plans for you."

Richard stepped between the two tables and continued with a contented look, "And now, guys, while you will be connected to different tubes and wires, I will tell you a very interesting story. According to one legend, ten thousand years ago the first Aryans settled in the region of Tibet. They were unique people, I would even say they were supermen.

They were able to read each other's thoughts, teleport to long distances instantly and move objects without touching them. These people could live almost forever. They received their secret knowledge from space. And they protected their knowledge very carefully.

One of our last expeditions found a large number of scrolls with unknown inscriptions in Tibet. But bad luck, in order to decipher them, it will take about seven hundred years. I am sure you understand that it does not make much sense to wait."

Richard patted Lena and Daniel on the shoulders, as if encouraging good friends, "You are honored to be the first people of the new Aryan race of the superman. We only deciphered 3 percent of the scrolls, so don't be offended if something goes wrong."

He leaned toward Daniel, "So be it, I'll give you a chance to save her... but, for that you will have to survive. Because if you don't, I will allow myself to play with her as much as I want. In all ways possible," he added and laughed.

Daniel lay on the table, unable to even lift a finger. Inside, he was torn by hatred, despair, resentment. He wanted to help her so much, he was even ready to give his life for her, but everything turned out to no avail. Too little depended on him in this world. He had never felt so helpless before.

Well, this man said he needed to survive? So be it. He will never give up, even if he will have to defeat the death itself.

Richard stood next to the sensors, showing the brain activity of the experimental subjects. "Let's get it started," he said.

"Herr Steiner, are you sure you need to use your blood as a binding element? We do not know what will happen during the experiment. Its effects can affect your body."

"Dr. Shefner, it's not up to you. The success of this project will allow the Third Reich to rise not only in terms of military power, but our people will also be like gods on this planet. No one will be able to resist us. One thought will force the enemy to execute our orders, fully obeying our desire."

"I understand you. Unfortunately, modern scientific advances do not allow us to realize the potential of this project fully. Maybe in the future…"

"What in the future?" Steiner asked him.

"Hmm, in one of the scrolls I have found the information, according to which, you can transfer the essence of a person from one time point to another. Now, if we could move into the future and use those technologies, then I am sure we would be able to achieve phenomenal results."

Richard thought for a minute, analyzing Shefner's words. The man's eyes lit up with a new goal for him.

"Dr. Shefner, can you use that technology on them?"

"Now? But we have never tested it before. We only tried to develop the brain capabilities of the experimental subjects, but not a single person could bear the load. You propose to combine two tests at once - to develop the brain and move the essence?"

"Exactly," Richard replied.

Dr. Shefner grabbed his head in thought. He was very interested in Steiner's proposal, but the tests have never been successful, not to mention combining two experiments in one.

"Listen, Herr Steiner, I do not know how your body will react, as this is the first time when we will use someone's blood as a binding element. Moreover, even if we move their essence into the future space, how do we verify that everything went well? This is the future we are talking about. We do not know what will be there. We do not even have a specific date..."

"About the date, I have a great idea," Richard grinned. "Use their prisoner numbers as the next date of birth. How many years will we need to work everything out, hmmm, fifty years will do, right? I think, by that time, the technology of mankind will have reached the level that we need."

Dr. Shefner looked at Richard with admiration, "Herr Steiner, this is indeed a great idea! We will be able to document this information and verify it when the right time comes. That's just," the doctor worried, "If we connect you with their entities and you die before their date of rebirth, then your essence will most likely follow the first of them."

"What do you mean?" Steiner asked him.

"Um, I'm trying to say that if we use their numbers as birth dates," Shefner glanced at Lena and Daniel's personal details, "then the boy should be born first. A girl will be born only six years after him. If the experiment is successful and it really happens, then you will be born at about the same time as he."

"Aww, that's the thing," Richard's eyes glittered, "I definitely like this scenario. Get started."

"As you order. If you feel bad, just tell me. Since I do not know what will happen. We have not done such tests yet," Dr. Schefner replied.

He ordered the subordinates to make a final check of all the wires attached to the test subjects. The doctor pressed a button, and the round sphere in the center of the room began its rotation. Its speed gradually increased, and the electromagnetic waves coming from it through the wires passed through each cell of two people lying silently on the tables.

Richard felt how nausea began to roll up to his throat, and his whole body began to burn with fire. He swung slightly and clutched at the back of the chair.

"Should we interrupt the experiment?" Shefner asked him.

"No, carry on. By the way, what do they feel at the moment?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I think it's like they were put in boiling water. And taking into account the dose of the substance administered to the guy, they also removed the skin from him beforehand."

"Then I feel sorry for him," Richard added, but there was not a drop of compassion in his eyes.

"Dr. Shefner, the sensors show that the activity of the girl's brain has increased by 20, 30, 50 percent!" оne of the assistants reported.

"Awesome! We never reached more than 15 percent! We shall go on."

The sphere increased its rotation with every turn, with every minute the observers rejoiced at the growing data charts, and nobody cared what two people connected to all these sensors felt at that moment.

"Dr. Shefner, the girl went off into a faint. But the vital signs seem to be normal," the assistant reported.

"Fine! Finally, we have some luck!" The doctor jumped out of his chair. It was the first time since the beginning of the test when the test subject was still alive.

"What about the guy?" Richard asked.

At that moment, the sensors' arrows began to run erratically, the lamps blinked in the room, the sphere instantaneously sped up, and a powerful wave went along the wires to Daniel's body. The wires sparkled, and everything stopped.

"What happened?" Dr. Shefner asked when the power in the hall was back.

"As far as we understood, the network could not stand it, and there was a power surge," one of the assistants reported.

"Damn, why did it have to happen at such a moment?!!" Shefner approached Daniel and looked at the pupils of his eyes. The eyes of the young man did not react to the light at all.

"What is it?" Richard asked him irritably.

"The object shows no signs of life."

"Oh, how boring," Richard turned and headed for the exit.

Dr. Shefner took the account book and began to write down slowly,

[Number 120392. Daniel Arenson. The time of death is 17:05, February 3, 1942.]