This Woman.

Elena clutched at her head and began massaging her temples intensely. She was at a loss as she found herself in such a situation for the first time.

"David, something is wrong. This has not happened before, there has never been a time when I would have forgotten something!" She squeezed her eyes, hoping that concentrating on the content of her dream could somehow help, but everything was in vain. Her dream ended at the same place as if at that moment the film had ended as in the old VHS player.

The man's heart ached from guilt for what he had done, but he was still sure that his decision was right. The less she remembers the information that others can use and harm the girl as a result, the safer her future will be.

Rick got what he wanted. And now they were equals as both had this secret knowledge. It remained only to break the connection so that this dependence was destroyed once and for all. So that no one else would dare to use his beloved one as a toy in their hands.

He had been preparing for this moment for many years, and this time he would do everything to protect her. Whatever it takes.

David pulled Elena to him and pinched her nose, "Silly, that's not something that you should worry about! All is well! Most likely, you just abruptly woke up, and when a person wakes up all of a sudden, he can instantly forget what he dreamed about. If an alarm clock wakes me up, I never remember what my dream was about and whether I had a dream at all," the young man smiled and kissed her delicate nose. Although his conscience tormented him for such a blatant lie, he didn't even raise an eyebrow and gave the girl a seductive smile.

Elena felt that she began to melt under his alluring charms, and decided to forget about what happened for the time being.

David pulled her naked body to him, and sparks of desire immediately flashed in his eyes, "Miss, what would you prefer to eat first — me or breakfast?"

"Pfff, you intentionally made up the question to get an answer like 'I'd prefer to eat you for breakfast ', right?" Elena squinted her eyes and bit her lower lip, her seductive look, like an electric discharge, brought the man's body into tension.

"Oh, and you are a dangerous woman, Mrs. Anderson," David whispered in a low voice and clung to her lips, "Do not show this look to anyone, do you understand me?"

"Uhm, you cannot even doubt it. After all, my soul and body belong only to you," the girl said in the same whisper.

The young man growled from pleasure, turned the girl on her back and began to kiss her neck with ecstasy, gradually going down. Elena closed her eyes and ran her fingers through his hair.

The solitude of the couple was interrupted by the insistent ringing of the phone lying on the table next to the bed. The girl picked up the phone and checked who the call was from.

"Shh, wait. Dad is calling, I have to pick up," Elena stopped David from moving further towards his intended goal. The man nodded and laid his head on her breasts.

"Hello, dad? Yes... yes, he's here. One second-," she handed the phone to David, "He is asking for you." David raised his eyebrows in bewilderment, picked up the phone and held it to his ear, "Yes .. yes, I understand...," he listened to Mr. Lee, at the same time drawing invisible circles on the girl's breasts with his fingertip. The young man put the phone off his ear to check what time it was and put it back to his ear again, "I think we will be there in about 40 minutes, an hour, at most... Ok, all right, see you." David finished the conversation and hung up.

"What did he want?" Elena asked, still in mild confusion that her father wanted to hear David instead of her.

"Your dad said that Jun recalled something important, and asked Daniel and me to come as soon as possible to discuss this issue."

"Oh, then we need to get ready," Elena made an attempt to get out of bed, but was immediately thrown back.

"Baby, do you think I will miss this opportunity? I intentionally added up more time, so that we still have twenty minutes free. And I did not allow you to get up," the young man grinned and covered them both with a blanket.

. . .

When Elena and David arrived home, everyone was waiting for them in the study room.

"I beg your pardon, we are a little late," the young man replied innocently, but a contented smile on his face was betraying him completely. Elena rubbed her nose with her hand, trying to hide her embarrassment, but it caused even more surprise. She completely forgot about the sparkling ring with a diamond, proudly sitting on her finger, that she did not notice how she clearly showed it to everyone with her gesture.

"Wow, what I see here!" Daniel whistled and clapped his hands, "I suppose after the conversation we can safely open a bottle of champagne! Uncle Lee, I'm sure you have a decent bottle lying around somewhere!"

Mr. Lee looked at his daughter with a smile, "Well, for the sake of such a reason I have a couple of bottles."

"Ok, enough, please! Let's first discuss why we have all gathered here," Elena glanced at Jun with a pleading look asking for salvation from this embarrassing situation, but the guy, smiling in all his teeth, winked at her and showed a thumbs up sign.

Lord, did really none of these men could put themselves in her shoes? You do not need to be a great genius to guess the reason for their lateness. So no, they decided to add fuel to the fire with their satisfied smirks!

Elena looked at David, but even he was on their side.

"If it's like that, I will go change my clothes, and you can discuss what you want." The girl turned around and went into her bedroom.

Mr. Lee approached David and tapped him on the shoulder. "Well, so what's the matter?" David asked him.

"When I was sleeping tonight, I again dreamed about that scene from the park. I didn't remember everything very well, but now I'm sure that it was for a reason," Jun scratched his head, trying to reproduce that dream as closely as possible. "The girl I played with was not just a girl from the park. She came along with the woman, and I am sure that my mom knew that woman. I think my mother and I came to the park specifically to meet with her."

"AND? Do you remember what she looked like, this woman? Name, appearance?" Mr. Lee asked his son. After all, this woman could know what happened to his wife.

"I, therefore, decided to ask Daniel to immerse me in hypnosis again in order to scroll through this fragment from memory," Jun explained.

"Hmm, Junie, let's do this. I won't immerse you in deep hypnosis, all you have to do is focus and remember that moment, the rest I take upon myself," Daniel instructed him.

The elder Anderson took the guy's hand, and with his second palm he closed his eyes, "Imagine that day, the very beginning of that moment. Then I will see everything for myself."

Jun did not answer and entered into a light trance. Daniel began to carefully examine every bit of his memory, restoring events step by step. He frowned as if trying to see something more...

"Holy sh..." Daniel pulled his hand back and looked at the bewildered Jun. They stared at each other with wide eyes.

"What? What is it?" Mr. Lee was puzzled by their reaction.

"That woman... That woman that met your wife... I saw her too," Daniel turned to Mr. Lee, "The day before you had to sign a contract with my father, we were having dinner in a restaurant. She sat down at our table and said that if we did not immediately fly back to England, great grief awaited our family." Daniel turned in the direction of his brother,

"Have you told about this incident?"

"Yes, father wrote a letter to Mr. Lee, explaining in detail the reason for your hasty departure that day," David replied.

"That's right, after David showed me all the documents, I contacted William and we discussed everything," Mr. Lee added.

"But who is this woman? Jun, do you remember her name? Did she introduce herself?"

"I just remembered her name. Her name was Amelia."


Glass fragments scattered across the floor.

"Oh, sorry, I don't know how it happened," Elena bent down and began to collect the fragments of the teacup which she held in her hands. She entered the study room just a minute ago and wanted to take a sip, when suddenly her hand twitched and the cup fell to the floor, flying into pieces.

"Stop what are you doing? Leave it, I'll clean it myself," David grabbed her hand so that she wouldn't hurt herself on the glass and was surprised to feel her trembling. "Elena? Is everything all right?" It seemed to him that she had become pale.

"Oh yes, everything is fine. I do not know what came over me," the girl smiled apologetically.

Daniel and Jun looked at each other. "Elena, baby, come to the older brother," Daniel called her in a tender voice. David cast a displeased glance at his brother, but, noticing a serious expression on his face, said nothing and began to watch from the side.

Elena obediently approached Daniel, she was still shocked by what had happened. How could she even drop this cup?!

Daniel took her hand and looked the girl in the eye, "I'll show you something now, and then you will say what you think about this, okay?" Elena nodded her head. "Well done, just focus on my eyes and try to see what I show you."

Elena felt his eyes grow deeper and heavier, she felt as if her body was contracting. Something glittered, and Daniel let go of her hand.

"Okie, I completely forgot that you are an unusual lady," he took a deep breath, "Let's do this," and took both of her hands.

Elena again plunged into the depths of his ink eyes. The girl blinked and millions of images with the speed of light flashed before her eyes.

"Damn, Elena!!" Daniel screamed and instantly let go of her hands. "Agggh, hell, how could you do this to me?! Do you have a conscience at all??"

"Do you think I am doing it on purpose?! You said so yourself, concentrate and look carefully!" The girl objected in her own defense. She covered her face with her hands, but she couldn't hide her ears as red as a tomato.

"What happened?" David worried, wondering what was going on.

"David, your bride, instead of looking at one particular frame, as I showed her, flipped through my whole life like some damn book! If my grandmother caught me naked touching myself, even that wouldn't be so embarrassing!" Daniel howled like a whipped puppy.

"Hey, watch your speech, idiot!" David exploded.

"You are an idiot! If you don't erase those memories in her, I'll not talk to you both!"

"Do you know how to erase memory?" Elena instantly forgot about Daniel and switched to David.

"No, I do not know how!" David immediately went on the defensive and threw a vicious look at his older brother. A couple of hours ago, he barely got away from this topic, and it again surfaced in unexpected ways.

Daniel looked skeptically at the younger one and sighed, "You are always like that, use the kindness of an older brother, no one will comfort poor Daniel."

"Stop making a one-man show and come on, finish your job. We will deal with the rest later," David needed to return the attention of others in the right direction as quickly as possible.

"OK, OK. Elena, come here with your hand. Only this time please, focus on the right things, ok?"

"Do not worry, everything flashed before my eyes so quickly that I could not see the details," the girl tried to calm him down.

"Well, it's good if you say so," Daniel replied and looked at her seriously. Goosebumps ran on the back of the girl.

"Close your eyes," he commanded, and she obediently carried out his order.

The vision began to gradually appear in the girl's head. She saw the park, saw Jun, his mother. She went to a meeting with them, holding someone's hand. Elena raised her head and saw a woman. She looked down at the girl and smiled.

Elena snatched her hand from Daniel's hand and collapsed to the floor. She eagerly began to swallow the air, trying to breathe. Her chest ripped from the pain, and she herself did not notice how she began to cry.

"What have you done?!" David rushed to the girl to pick her up. If it was possible to kill with a glance, then Daniel would have been killed at least ten times already.

"Nothing. Just confirmed my assumptions," the older brother answered in a calm voice. "The woman who met with Jun's mother and our father is-"

"This woman...," Elena replied in a breaking voice from tears, "This woman is my mom."