The Guide.

Daniel snatched the gun out and aimed it at the man in the raincoat.

"Uh, no, I do not advise you to do this," he replied, and the blade of the knife dug into David's neck, a small drop of blood came out on the metal surface. David waved his brother's hand to put the gun. down.

"A wise decision," the stranger grinned, "Now tell me, American, where did you get the dragon's seal?"

"Oh, so I was right. It was you, in a cafe, that time." David noticed being watched a few minutes ago and now his assumptions have been confirmed. This man saw the ring on David's finger when he accidentally hooked him. "But I am not American, I am British."

"What does it m...?" The stranger did not have time to finish the sentence, as he was already pinned to the ground, the cold barrel of the pistol aimed directly at his head.

"You're right, it doesn't matter," David answered, "And now you answer my question. How do you know about the ring and why did you follow us?"

The man made an uncertain attempt to break free, but he was clearly in the minority. To fight against the three guns aimed at you would be utter nonsense.

"I accidentally noticed your ring two days ago and was shocked, this is one of the most respected relics in the east. How can a European get it? You just stole it, confess! Only the most respected families in China own such rings, so how did you get one of them? Besides, I heard that you are looking for the Cave of Spirits. This is even more suspicious. No self-respecting local man will show you the way there after the cave has been ransacked by the same white people like you many years ago. So get out of here while you can. Otherwise, no one will guarantee your safety!"

The stranger sounded confident and menacing, he did not care that at the moment he was at a disadvantage. These people came to his land, and, based on past experience, they hardly had good intentions.

"I received the ring from this guy's father, I think you can tell what blood is flowing in his veins, so this thing belongs to me legally. As for the Cave," David grabbed the stranger by the collar and put him on his feet with a slight movement of his hand. He threw off his hood and everyone saw that the man under the coat was a young guy, about the age of Jun, and maybe even younger. All the assertiveness of the failed robber immediately went away.

"Well, so, you will tell us how to find a cave or we all will go straight to the police?" David grinned and the guy shrank, feeling his gaze on him. The man in front of him was clearly not joking, and the opportunity to end up in the police was now the last thing he wanted.

"Ha, my services are expensive, and judging by the fact that there are only four of you, you are obviously some amateurs," the guy checked the company out with his eyes. The equipment they had was really good, but they were surely lacking more people.

Well, it was even better, because if he had a large research group in front of him, he would not have dared to even hint that he knows the way to one of the most secret and dangerous places in Tibet. But there were only four of them, which means that the probability that they would return from there was close to zero. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and make money on the stupid tourists who voluntarily gathered to go into the clutches of their death.

"One hundred thousand dollars and in two hours you will be right there," the stranger was standing in an important posture, telling them the first sum that occurred to him.

"Clear. Daniel, look on the map for the nearest police station here," David ignored the words of the guy in the raincoat, causing the latter to instantly panic.

"Just kidding, I'm kidding! No need for any police! I agree to a thousand, only I will bring you to the entrance, then you will go further." His bravado evaporated and he already regretted having contacted them at all.

Daniel laughed to himself as he watched the stony expression on his younger brother's face, in front of which this guy looked like a soaked little puppy that was looking up at a huge pit bull. 'Yes, brother, with your skills it was possible to go to the mafia.'

"I will give you two thousand if you keep your mouth shut about all this and do your job properly. We know what the entrance to the cave looks like, so do not even think of cheating us, I will shoot you right the spot. And I won't get anything for it," David hissed in his ear.

This was the last straw in the motivation of the guy to escape at the first opportunity. Given the skills of this monster standing next to him, he will not even have time to take a step forward since he will probably be lying on the ground with a hole in his head.

The other three looked at the picture before their eyes in amazement, as if it was a scene from a movie about gangsters. And the main villain in this scene was David.

"Hey, is he seriously threatening him or is he just scaring him for show?" Jun whispered Elena. Even he felt goosebumps running down his back when David's angry look accidentally hit him.

"Relax, this is a show. I doubt that he will actually do something for him. Although...," the girl felt that her words did not even instill confidence in her. This is the first time she saw David behave like that.

But as soon as she finished the phrase, the young man turned his head in her direction and gave the girl a kind and loving smile, as if nothing had happened. Elena smiled back. So that was the show. But even she for a moment was confused, then it is not surprising that the guy in the raincoat next to him looked like a little rabbit, wedged in a corner by an evil wolf.

"Guys, this guy kindly agreed to show us the way to the cave. If there are no objections, we can move out right now, right, Mr. ..." David cast a questioning glance at the guy.

Mr. raincoat frowned, trying to figure out what they wanted from him, the adrenaline in his head quickly solved this problem, "Sam. You can call me Sam. I will take you to the entrance to the cave, and then sort it out for yourself." He straightened his clothes, and with a pompous importance waved his hand, showing the group to follow him.

"Are you sure you can trust him? And if he leads us somewhere else?" Daniel asked his younger brother quietly, but so loudly that Sam could hear him.

David noticed a pleased grin of older Anderson. God, Daniel, how old are you? Have you decided to join the show "Let's Scare Sam"? The man grinned to himself and decided to play along with his brother since this idea got him so much.

"If he leads us in the wrong place, he will remain there forever. You know my skills, a person will not have time to blink, as he will already be meeting with the holy apostle at the gates of heaven," David answered melancholically as if this was his daily routine.

Sam shrank even more, at this moment he swore to himself that he would never again get involved in such troubles and better find a normal job. "But if we get to the place quickly and without problems, I'll think about adding a bonus for good work to him," added David. He felt a little sorry for the guy walking in front. In the end, even the disparaging should have its limit.

Elena and Jun barely restrained laughter, watching a serious conversation between two brothers on the topic of fictitious reprisals against a poor guy.

Yes, Sam, the Anderson brothers trolling turns out to be a scary thing.