Book 2. Prologue.

Knock-knock! Anybody home?

Heeey, guys! The author is here and first of all, I want to thank everyone who supported, voted and commented on this novel within last month. We have a bunch of readers who came during the hiatus, so welcome on board! I am really thankful that you paid your attention to my work. ^_^

As I promised, I'm starting to upload Book 2 and, to tell you the truth, I'm afraid like never. But I'll do my best to make the second part even more interesting and thrilling. Just give me some time and share your thoughts in comments when you like smth or not.

Anyway, don't forget, this is the art of fiction, and the author here is a mere human (not like David, hehe), and she has her own busy, very busy life. My aim is to write what I like and to like that I write, and I hope you will like what I write too (yeah, sounds strange, but you got me, right?)

Sooooo..... let's get pleasure from reading and writing! Here we go! Muaahh!!!



The girl touched the wall, her hand felt a sharp cold, and pain pierced her fingers. The cold was always her weak point, and now, being in the darkness of the night, where the dim moon was the only source of the light, even this cold did not cause such fear in her as that man's icy and lifeless eyes. His piercing gaze forced the heart to shrink, and the blood slowed down its flow as if the body itself understood that there was no point in fighting this enemy.

In the sunlight, his eyes were the shade of the ocean, the Pacific Ocean, just as deceptive and treacherously dangerous. As the Pacific Ocean met its first travelers with the peaceful and cloudless expanse of water, so did these eyes, they would captivate you at first sight. But as soon as night fell, its tranquility would turn into a terrible storm, sweeping away everything on its way, forcing the ships to sink to the bottom without the slightest chance to survive. One glance - and your body no longer belonged to you, one glance - and your soul fell into the depths of its black abyss, losing the last hope for freedom.

The girl took a deep breath and went forward. She saw another abandoned building ahead and decided to shelter there. In the long run, it didn't matter where to hide, since the whole village was not inhabited for a long time and dilapidated buildings were visible here and there. No wonder why she did not hear anything, having spent so much time in that cold and damp basement. This place was as lifeless as her concrete cage, where she spent the last two weeks, waiting for the only moment when she could break free. It was one in a million chance, and she still didn't believe that she could do it.

But the more hope she had in her heart, the more she was overcome by the fear that even this chance was a deception of an evil doom that had deprived her of her will and choice from her very childhood. But even if it was her fate, no one forbade her to fight until the very end.

The girl slipped into the half-open door and looked around. Judging by the drawings and inscriptions on the wall, this building was once a rural school, behind half-broken glasses there were rooms with tables and chairs. Once this place was filled with children's laughter and hopes for a bright future, now there was only cold emptiness and lifeless shadows created by the dull rays of the moon.

She quickly went up to the second floor and wanted to go to the farthest room at first, but then decided that it would be too obvious and went into one of the first rooms. Running between the desks, the girl climbed under the teacher's desk and pressed her knees to her chest, squeezing the medallion in her hands, she closed her eyes and practically stopped breathing.

Now she had a chance of one in a billion. Sometime later, she heard the door on the first-floor creak, followed by the sound of the glass breaking. Her body trembled, and a wild terror struck her heart. She squeezed the locket even tighter as if this little thing could have been her salvation.


A confident male voice echoed through the empty classrooms of the school.

"Amelia, baby, come out. Do not make me look for you for so long, I am already running out of my patience." His steps were heard closer and closer, making her heart die in horror from the fate that had awaited the girl.

The man walked unhurriedly to the second floor and walked along the corridor, towards the office where the girl was hiding.

"Baby, you have been so obedient the past two weeks that I already thought that you decided to accept my offer." He slowed down and stopped in front of the room. "And how is it that while I was away, you managed to fool the guard and ran away?! Because of you, I had to interrupt an important meeting!" The man shouted with discontent and annoyance in his voice, and the fragments of glass flew in different directions with a roar. Each window, which was still at least somehow in one piece in this abandoned building, shattered into small fragments, as if an invisible tornado swept over this place in a matter of seconds.

Amelia flinched and immediately covered her mouth with her hands to hold back the cry of pain that had pierced her. The girl looked down, scarlet hot blood running down her leg, a huge piece of glass dug into her skin. She wanted to reach that glass and pull it out, but the fear that she might be heard made the girl remain motionless.

The man exhaled slowly and ran a hand through his hair, another wave of irritation, and he would break this place into pieces completely. "Listen, I understand that I have behaved rudely, having locked you in the basement, but you also have to understand me," his voice sounded like a soothing lullaby, soft and gentle tones could make anyone want to give in to his lulling charms, "If you immediately agreed to cooperate with me, nothing would have happened."

He paused and listened, he couldn't hear anything except for the crickets outside. Glasses on the first floor crunched under the pressure of heavy male steps. "Sir, it seems we tracked her down. Most likely the girl hid in a barn nearby," his subordinate from the first floor said. "I'm on my way," the man replied in a calm voice and headed down.

Amelia listened as his steps gradually moved away from her, it was exactly that one chance in a billion that she saw in her vision. Did fate decide to spare her? She wanted to hope for it with all her heart, but she knew like no one else that even hope is sometimes meaningless. But that's what hope is for, you want to grab it, like a thin branch in a raging sea, even when it's obvious that there's no chance to survive.

The voices subsided, and she heard nothing but the wind behind a broken window and the pounding of her heart. The girl lowered her hand and grabbed a piece of glass, iridescent with silvery crimson highlights, reflecting the drops of her blood in the rays of the full moon.

Amelia squeezed the palm between her teeth and abruptly pulled the glass out of the wound on her leg, her teeth digging into her flesh, squeezing the escaping groans. Tears came out in her eyes, whether from pain in her leg or from how much she squeezed her jaws to hold back a cry. Her heavy breathing gradually became even, she pulled her hand out of her mouth and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Amelia climbed out of her hiding place and looked out the window. Not far from this old school there was a dense forest and if she gets there now, she will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. The girl looked up to the sky and looked at the cold and pale moon. And why today should be the full moon? Why is there no cloud to hide this treacherous dim light illuminating everything around? Even the stars are burning so brightly as if they first hit the sky, and they want to show themselves in all their glory.

"Fascinating view, isn't it?"

Her heart stopped. She closed her eyes and grinned at her own naivety. Still, believing in the reality of a chance of one in a billion was stupid of her. The girl slowly turned around, his eyes in the twilight were like dark ocean depths, dragging her soul into the abyss of hopelessness. She rushed to the side, but a stream of invisible energy knocked her off her feet and hit her hard against the wall.

"Aahhh," Amelia screamed in pain and fell on the floor. Despite the pain in her leg and body, she decided that she would fight to the very end. Her knees were trembling, small pieces of glass stuck into her skin here and there. She got up, leaned on the wall and looked at her opponent with a look full of hatred and superiority.

The man's eyes flashed fire, in the blink of an eye he reduced the distance, and the girl felt his palm on her neck. "Dare you look at me like that? Who are you? I lived in this world three times as many as you, for me you are just an eighteen-year-old little brat," the man hissed, squeezing her throat. "You think I won't do anything to you just because you have special abilities?"

The girl looked into his eyes with confidence and grinned slyly, "That's right, because I have such abilities, you can't do anything to me. Otherwise, you would not suggest that I become your puppet. Is that right, Marcus?"

Marcus loosened his grip, the tips of his cold fingers slid down her neck, leaving an icy trail behind. He squeezed her chin and lifted it up to look into the eyes of the one who dared to talk to him like that. His breath burned like hot steam from the very mouth of a volcano, he leaned toward her ear and whispered with a grin, "Do you think you are the only one who can see the future?"

A shiver ran through the girl's body. Amelia glanced toward the open door, but she knew that no one would come to help her. Marcus noticed the direction of her gaze, stepped back from the girl and loosened his tie around his neck. A devilish smile froze on his face.

"Judging by your expression, you already know what is awaiting you, right?"

Amelia clenched her fists, her fingers dug into her palms, but she didn't look away, as though she were not afraid now, "This is the beginning of your end, Marcus. That's what I see."

The man grinned at the words of the girl, and slightly tilted his head to the side, "And I don't think so, darling. In the future, which I see, everything is more than excellent." He straightened his head, a smile immediately faded from his face, leaving only a cold and soulless look, as if he was looking not at the person, but at the empty space in front of him. "So, let's check whose future will be the right one?"

Marcus waved his hand, and the door of the room slammed shut.