That's It For Me.

Corey spun around in front of the mirror, examining her outfit very carefully. This was not her first date with Daniel, but it was the first time she invited him herself. It's not that she didn't take initiative in their relations before and went with the flow, although this was partly true, Daniel was always ahead of her, offering her to visit different places and do something together.

Even when they did not start dating, he involved her in all his possible adventures, arguing that friends had common interests and if she volunteered to be his friend, she had to do something together with him. Thus, they not only visited all exhibitions and cultural events held in the city but all museums, galleries, theaters. They were on almost every movie, took a ride on all the attractions in the amusement park, did a bungee jump together, went down under the water, flew a paraglider and in a wind tunnel, won two hundred thousand dollars in Vegas and even participated in a costumed charity show with orphans.

Probably, even before the official start of their relationship, they together did more than ordinary couples in about ten years and Daniel's indefatigable initiative was to blame. At first, Corey tried to guess what he was up to when he called her at the end of the week and offered to have fun, but then she decided that her imagination was too meager to even suggest what was in the head of this unpredictable person.

In a word, Daniel was able to surprise. Maybe that's why he was the only close man in her circle, besides Jason, but unlike the latter, he managed to captivate the girl not only in a friendly web but also in love. She herself did not notice how the man became a part of her daily life and the fact that they eventually started to date seemed so natural that all relatives were surprised that they had not yet been married.

From the outside, they looked like a happy couple, but only the closest, namely Elena and David knew that they hadn't gotten any further than kisses. Too deep a trace Rick left behind in the heart of the girl and she sincerely believed that starting a serious relationship with another man for her was like a science fiction plot.

Fortunately, Daniel had a different opinion on this.

Corey made sure that she looked like she was in the first-rate of fashion, and left her study with a swagger, going to the hall. Her cafe was just the thing that would not have been possible without the support and motivation of Daniel. He was the man who made her open her own business and realize her childhood dream, which she herself had forgotten.

"Corey's House of Sweets" was very popular among children and parents, as well as couples in love. The desserts, the recipes of which she developed herself, were incredibly tasty. They used natural ingredients, and regular sugar was replaced with natural fruits, candied fruits, honey or stevia.

The press even wrote that Miss Corey's sweets do not cause tooth decay, but she herself always clarified that even harmless desserts can cause tooth problems if one abuses their quantity and does not follow hygiene.

Therefore, all the children who visited her cafe were presented with colorful flyers telling about the need to brush their teeth in the morning and in the evening. Parents were immensely grateful to such a feature of the cafe because their children began to take care of their oral cavity without any reminders. Corey just thought about how much work it cost her to teach Ashley to brush her teeth, so she knew well that help in such a trifle would be very useful for the parents of her little visitors.

The girl came closer to the oven and checked if the dish was ready, there were a couple more minutes left, and her new culinary masterpiece could be tasted. The cook's heart accelerated its rhythm from excitement and anticipation of the arrival of her only guest. For his sake, this cafe was closed to everyone else. Corey's cheeks were a little flushed,

"God, Williams, is it not embarrassing for you, at your age, to react to everything like an inexperienced teenager?" The girl again realized that in the presence of Daniel she often felt embarrassed, as if she were sixteen and not twenty-six. But this embarrassment was a pleasant sensation for her because, after all that she had gone through, the ability to feel butterflies in her stomach was amazing even for herself.

Maybe the fault was his experience or the fact that he was older? Although the difference in nine years was not noticeable during their personal communication, if Corey caught Daniel in the process of a business conversation with someone on the phone or at official meetings, then his aura was completely different. He was a strong, charismatic and confident man. A man, whom any woman wants to be with her if she is okay with her eyes and has at least a little brain to appreciate this treasure.

Corey herself was often surprised that such a person decided to make a bid for her sympathy for a long time, without pressing on her and not demanding anything in return. He was so nice to her that sometimes it seemed to the girl that she was not worthy of him. He was not like anyone in her circle, and her heart naturally succumbed to his initially inconspicuous, but always attentive and respectful courtship.

Beside him, she felt warmth and joy.

While the girl was lost in her thoughts, a chill ran down her back. Again. Again there was the feeling that someone's gaze was directed at her, this feeling has been haunting Corey for the second day, from the moment she returned from the hospital after the fire. The girl turned her head, but, as expected, there was nobody behind, only goosebumps on her body shouted with confidence about someone's invisible presence.


The bell on the front door rang, announcing that the guest had gone inside. Corey flinched in surprise, but immediately calmed down when she saw Daniel walking toward her with a confident step.

As soon as the girl's eyes focused on the man, the air froze in her lungs, refusing to leave her body. To say that Daniel was an attractive man is to say nothing. She was already used to the fact that he caught her being drooly, looking at him when she herself did not even notice. And today, there was just one of those moments.

A light pink jacket suited him shamelessly stunningly, fitting tightly to the man's broad shoulders and back, the delicate color of the fabric shaded his tanned skin and black hair as deep as night. Dark blue trousers and a shirt, two shades lighter, perfectly complemented the set, making Daniel's image full of external tenderness and hidden passion.

The man smiled, noting the wide eyes of the girl, and grinned to himself. He had been waiting for the initiative on her part for so long that today he made more efforts than usual to defeat her on the spot. And that was just the beginning of his plan.

"Hello, my love. You look amazing today," Daniel leaned over and kissed Corey on the cheek. And only then she got out of her trance, not even noticing that he had already come closer to her.

"Thank you. You too," she answered confusedly and looked away. Corey closed her eyes and took a breath, 'Williams, keep yourself in control! Stop drooling so frankly!'

But the temptation to see the man in more detail was too big, Corey turned her head in the direction of Daniel and his charming and cunning smile struck her trembling heart with another blow. He understood the train of her thoughts and tilted his head to the side. Seductive lights flashed in his eyes, the corners of his lips rose in an alluring movement.

The man fixed his eyes on hers and winked.

Corey's body was paralyzed by the whirlpool of feelings and sensations that surged through her at that moment,

'Oh. My. God. That's it for me.'