I'm Yours.

"Wh-what?" The girl raised her head in bewilderment and met eyes that she had not previously known, eyes full of resentment and anger. She noticed that Daniel was looking at her neck, Corey unconsciously grabbed it and a wave of shame, like an ice shower, poured over her body.

"Who?" He asked when the girl mechanically closed the hickey on her neck and turned away. In the morning she was in his arms, and that evening on her was already a mark of another man.

When he noticed this trace on her neck, he was frightened at first and thought that something bad could happen to her, but seeing the further reaction of the girl, he realized that the situation was much deeper and more complicated.

He had been watching her for many years and knew only one person who could get Corey off balance to such extent. Deep down, Daniel hoped that his assumption was completely absurd because that man had long been dead. On the other hand, his body was never found, and the tiny fraction of the probability that they had been wrong all this time sometimes surfaced in Daniel's head and made him worry and feel insecure.

And what he was worried about and did not want to admit was confirmed the very moment the name flew off the girl's lips. The name that he secretly hoped to hear as little as possible.

"Rick," Corey whispered, she looked the other way and did not dare to look at the man standing next to her.

"I see," he answered quietly and let go of her shoulders. For some reason, this news did not even surprise him. He has been fighting for her attention for so many years that he was used to the invisible presence of this man in many aspects of their life. At least because he was Ashley's father. And with this fact and advantage, Daniel couldn't do anything.

"I... I-I'm sorry, please forgive me. I don't know what I can say in my defense," a lump stood up in Corey's throat only at the thought of what she was about to do now. She considered so many times how best to explain this situation, and came to the conclusion that this method was the most effective.

"After what I say now, you will most likely be disappointed in me and I will try to accept the fact if you decide to break..," she took a deep breath, "break up with me, but now I am asking you not as my boyfriend, but as a behavior specialist. Moreover, this may be important for David's situation... Can you see my memories?"

Corey looked Daniel in the eye, she understood that her proposal was heartless because she herself could hardly have watched her beloved man in the arms of another woman. Rick's behavior at that moment was too strange, but due to the unexpectedness of the situation, she could not gain an understanding and get what was happening.

"Your request is very... cruel, Corey. But I understand what you mean," Daniel answered quietly. In a situation where even a small detail could affect the safety of his loved ones, not giving a damn about his own feelings was a completely acceptable price for him. "Please close your eyes," he asked and covered Corey's eyes with his palm.

When his warm hand slipped from her eyes, the girl felt as if she had lost something precious. She raised her hand to touch him, but the man took a step back and stopped her with a gesture. He turned and walked away.

Corey's eyes filled with tears, but she did not dare to make even a sound, in the end, for Daniel it was now clearly more painful than for her.

The man went to the home telephone, picked up the receiver and dialed the number. His call remained unanswered. Daniel picked up a notepad, which was next to the phone, and a pen, which was always ready, if anyone needed to leave a note.

He wrote a few digits, turned and walked back towards Corey. "This is Armand's phone, he's not answering right now, so dial it in ten minutes and say that I asked him to come to the house of Elena and David as soon as possible," the man spoke in a serious tone.

Too serious, as if giving instructions to his secretary. For the first time, Corey heard such an intonation in his voice. He wasn't looking at her and standing at arm's length, although even before they began to date, the concept of personal space was not of special importance to him.

Now, from the outside, he seemed like a stranger, just an acquaintance, the brother of the husband of her best friend. And such a drastic change struck Corey the most.

She was waiting for questions, reproaches, at least some dissatisfaction on his part, but none of this happened. In response, there was only coldness and indifference.

Daniel put a piece of paper with a telephone on the table, instead of handing it over to the girl. He buttoned his jacket, turned and left the house, closing the door behind him.

Corey stood in the living room and looked at the closed door. It seemed to her that her legs had grown to the floor, she could not take a step, and her voice disappeared by itself, she wanted to shout to him, but she could not.

Daniel stopped behind a closed door and slowly exhaled, "Damn," he clenched his fists with all his strength, his nails dug into his palms, "Eh, Daniel, Daniel, that's why you avoided a serious relationship, you idiot."

Previously, he avoided deep feelings, because the closer he was to a person, the more he saw his future, but after that incident in the Cave six years ago, he noticed that this did not happen again.

He was able to calmly stay with Corey, not worrying about unexpected visions. He could still see people's memories and thoughts, but only when he did it on purpose.

The man grabbed his chest, in the center, it felt as if a hot flame was burning, which hurt him to even breathe. He knew that he would see the whole situation as it was in reality, and feel the emotions of Corey at that moment, but he did not expect that it would be so painful for him.

He turned his head and looked at the closed door. When he was leaving, he hoped to the end that the girl would stop him, but she did not. She said nothing and let him go.

Corey was standing still for a few seconds until she realized that this closed door could turn into a wall, which she would no longer be able to overcome if she left everything as it was.

If she doesn't do anything now, she will lose what has become part of her life, the one without whom she cannot imagine a single day.

Her legs began to move on their own towards the door, accelerating a step with each movement, when she was already running to the door to catch up with him.

The girl held out her hand to grab the handle, but at that moment the door opened by itself, the man looked at her face which was bewildered by surprise and smiled.

She still ran after him.

Daniel grabbed the girl by the hand and pulled on himself, after which he slammed the door, turned Corey to him and pressed her back to the door. His lips greedily covered her mouth, his kiss was passionate and demanding. Corey had no choice but to submit to his power, and her lips began to move with the desire with his lips, surrendering to his dominant pace.

Her lips, like her whole body, were in the grip of this man, it was a completely different sensation, not like those that she experienced next to Rick. And with every second she understood that she could no longer abandon these feelings.

Daniel's demanding and dominant movements gradually became slow and gentle, as if he enjoyed every corner of her mouth, grabbing and slightly biting her lips. Then he stopped, touched her lips for the last time, the moment was light and weightless, like a feather. Their foreheads rested on each other, their eyes closed, their breath was broken.

"I won't let you go, you hear me? No matter what happens, who gets in my way, I don't care. If you decide to leave, I will bind you and close you in my bedroom. I will do such things with you, after which it won't even occur to you to think about anyone other than me. I will completely captivate your body and your soul. I will make sure that you say only my name when you sleep.

I saw what you did to him, I know how you felt for him. But I also know how you feel when you are by my side. I will not apologize for the fact that I just got into your head without your permission.

If in order for you to be by my side, I need to play a dishonest game, I am ready for it. Because I know, I'm a million percent sure that I can make you happy. Therefore, I will not give you to him or anyone else." Daniel straightened up and raised her chin, her eyes were looking at him with fondness.

The man smiled slightly, his gaze was deep and dark as the most distant corners of the universe, his voice sounded low and captivating, like an ancient sacred mantra, "Corey Williams, you belong to me. Remember this once and for all."

A wave of heat enveloped the girl's body, the man standing in front of her was too good to lose him because of some fears and doubts. He deserved more, much more than she gave him. At this moment, she realized that the desire to make him happy was much stronger than all her fears.

"I lov-"

Daniel blocked her mouth with his finger, preventing the girl from completing the sentence. At this moment, he barely restrained himself so as not to blur in an reverent smile.

"No, don't. Not now." The man tenderly stroked a fingertip over her lips, "I do not want you to say this under the influence of the moment. But if you decide to repeat your words later, I will gladly listen to you."

Corey smiled and nodded her head, then stood on her toes, smacked the man on the lips and whispered in his ear, "I'm yours, Daniel Anderson."

The man grabbed the girl by the waist and hugged her tight, his head buried in the base of her neck, a smile from ear to ear lit his face, "Damn, sometimes I think I'm such a fool."

"Even so, you are the most charming and sexy fool I have ever met," Corey grinned and stroked the man's head.

"Okie, all right," Daniel straightened up and pinched Corey by the nose, "Your super-boyfriend should go and save his sweet little brother from the clutches of law enforcers. Be sure that we will be home by the morning at the very latest," the man winked and kissed the girl on the forehead, "Call Armand, I don't want you to be left alone with the children at home."

Daniel patted Corey on the cheek and drove off. She watched his car go, went into the house and took her phone from the sofa. Then she took a piece of paper with the number of Armand from the table and began to dial the number.

An unexpected pain in her neck made her startle, and the girl automatically raised her hand to the place of its source, to the surprise of the girl, she felt something unknown.

Corey pulled a strange object from her neck and looked at it, in her hand was a small white tube that looked like a mini-syringe, "What the?!" The girl looked in shock at an unknown thing.

The rustle behind her made Corey turn around.

The phone slipped out of her hands, and the girl backed away, "No, don't come close to me." The man was looking at her with a cold and indifferent look.

He took a step towards her, Corey staggered, fear was frozen on her face. "W-what have you done ?!"

The girl's eyes dimmed, and the last thing she saw was how Rick rushed to her side to catch her when she was ready to fall to the floor.

Rick grabbed the girl in his arms, sleeping pills began to act in seconds, and Corey was already unconscious. He carried her inside the room and gently put her on the sofa. The man sat down on the floor next to the sofa and took out two small plastic envelopes from his pocket.

Rick chose one that had a larger chip and unpacked it.

The girl was lying on the couch unconscious, completely unaware of what was happening. Rick extended his hand and removed a strand of her blond hair from Corey's face, her long eyelashes were tightly closed, her breathing was even.

He looked at the girl's sleeping face... and smiled.