Midnight Stranger.

Rick bowed his head and smiled, "Hello baby! How are...?" But he did not have time to finish the sentence, as a decorative vase, standing in the corner of the corridor, took off and flew at great speed right into his head.

The man barely managed to dodge and already thought that the vase would crash into the wall behind him and break in flinders, but this did not happen. The object made a sharp turn, like a boomerang, and flew in the opposite direction, attacking Rick from the back.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" he grabbed the vase with his hands when it was literally a centimeter from his head. Rick felt that his strength was at the limit; he had no time to deal with the child. "I need to tell your dad to take care of your manners," Rick turned his head toward the boy, a doomed sigh left his body.

In the air, above the man's head, a gigantic sword hovered, its blade directed straight at his forehead. "Okay, I give up," Rick put the vase on the floor and raised his hands up. This baby turned out to be on the ball. Who would have thought that he would be able to use home furnishings for his defense and attack purposes with such efficiency?

"What were you doing in Ashley's room? Sir, if you decided to rob us, then you have chosen the wrong house," Sean snapped his fingers, a telephone appeared in his hand.

"Sean, listen, I'm not your enemy. Why do you need a phone? We better-" Rick took a step forward, but the sword jerked in the air, the tip of its blade moved closer to the man's head, " -talk."

"I don't know you, so I'm calling the police."

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell the police about your magic tricks?" Rick asked the boy. The child frowned, half asleep, he did not even think that he acted by inertia and showed his abilities to a stranger.

Parents allowed only the closest people into their house, and they all knew about the main secret of the Anderson family. As for this man, Sean had never seen him, which means he was a stranger. Moreover, he appeared from nowhere in the middle of the night.

"Say what you want. Nobody will believe you," the boy answered in a calm voice and pressed the call button on the phone.

"Tsk, stubborn like a father," Rick sighed, and before Sean had brought the telephone receiver to his ear, a man grabbed it, moving from his seat behind the boy. Rick interrupted the call with one hand and threw the phone aside, the other hand was holding the child tightly.

Sean thought this stranger was an ordinary robber and was taken aback by his unexpected teleportation. And why did he decide to show some brow, instead of immediately calling his parents?

"Dad-" The boy shouted, as loud as he could, but Rick immediately put a hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh! What are you doing?! You'll wake up my daughter now!" Rick shouted at him, the boy froze at the words he heard and with wide eyes looked at the man.

And only now he noticed that this man really looked like Ashley's dad, whose photograph she kept in her bedroom. "Uncle Rick?" Sean muttered under the man's palm.

"Uncle?! Ew, don't call me that, I immediately feel like an old man," Rick twisted his face, suddenly he felt like he was ten years older. He mentally breathed a sigh of relief that he could save his memory now, and not much later, when he would have been addressed as an old man.

"But didn't you die?" Sean answered in a surprised voice.

Rick stared into the clear eyes of the child and only then noticed their unusual color. Was what Marcus whispered in his ear was true? Then, not only Elena but this boy can be in serious danger.

"Sean, listen to me carefully, tell your dad that-"

"Maybe I'll join your conversation too?"

Rick's body instantly tensed, the less that he wanted to hear now was that voice, 'Damn,' the man cursed silently, closed his eyes to gather his thoughts, straightened up and turned around.

"Master, what brought you here?" Rick asked Marcus, standing behind him.

"It seemed to me that you were getting late. So, I've come to check whether you are doing your job or not," Marcus ran one hand along the wall, the other hand in his trouser pocket, his shoulders were relaxed, his face was calm.

He bent down and raised the sword from the floor, "Oh, what a nice little thing," the man twisted his weapon in his hand, and then placed it in special sheaths attached to the wall, where it used to be.

His gaze shifted from his sword to Rick, studying every single emotion of his servant, but Rick's face was indifferent and even, like a robot.

"The task is completed, but this child was a witness. According to your order, it took me time to solve this problem," Rick answered. To say that the situation was crappy would be to say nothing.

By all rules, he had to get rid of Sean or at least inject him with sleeping pills with the effect of erasing his memory so that he would not remember what happened in the last hour of his wakefulness.

"It's okay, I will solve this issue myself. You can be free," Marcus commanded and looked at the bewildered and surprised child.

"Master, with all due respect, I must finish my work myself," Rick bowed his head, he did not want to leave the child alone with this monster since it was not known what would come to his mind.

"How dare you discuss my order? Now return to the base, Simon is already waiting for you," Marcus said in a sharp and cold voice, Rick immediately recognized notes of discontent in him.

"Yes, Master. Will be done," Rick answered dutifully and vanished into thin air.

He could not do anything in this situation, otherwise, he would have to reveal himself, and in his current state, he would not have lasted against Marcus even two minutes. He could not put the lives of Ashley and Corey at risk and only hoped that everything would be all right with the boy.

Marcus smirked and looked at the boy, Sean backed away when the man began to approach him, "Baby, you can't even try to run away from me, I'm faster and stronger than everyone you know. By the way, you can't call your parents either, they are not at home. So only you and I are here, well, your little girlfriend with her mother are here too. But you don't want them to suffer somehow?"

Sean stood next to Ashley's room door and closed it with his back, blocking the entrance, "Who are you? And why do you so like uncle Armand?"

"Mmm, how sweet," Marcus smiled, but from that smile, goosebumps ran down the child's back, "Have you already forgotten our agreement? Remember, you yourself asked me to teach you such a trick?" The man turned his hand, and small flames of fire flew up from his hand into the air and spun in a waltz.

"Are you that masked man? From the mom and dad's banquet?" Sean asked, recalling their meeting, but now he had a completely different opinion about this man, he didn't like this man, "I changed my mind, I don't want to learn this anymore," the boy replied with a confident voice.

"I'm afraid your opinion doesn't matter anymore," Marcus answered coldly, the smile faded away from his face as if it had never been there. "If you want your girlfriend, whom you want to protect, to survive until the morning, I advise you to move to your room and discuss the conditions."