Bloody Eyes.

Marcus was going in the direction of the building at a leisurely pace, the guards, who noticed a shadow among the trees, immediately tensed, but when they recognized their boss in that stranger, they straightened up.

The men held their breath, unable to look at the main person of the base. Under the cold rays of moonlight, the disfigured face of Marcus looked especially frightening.

Burnt skin flaps hung on the face and neck, exposing muscle tissue. He moved silently as if he were not a living person, but a ghost, the appearance of which even his own shadow was afraid of.

"Welcome back, sir," one of the guards greeted, trying not to betray his anxiety. Marcus walked by, not carrying to even answer to his subordinates, which made them only breathe a sigh of relief. At least today their lives were not in danger.

Simon received a notification on the communicator that the Master returned to the base and hastened to meet him, but his anxiety intensified at times when he saw the appearance of his boss.

'Damn,' the man mentally cursed.

Marcus took off his gloves, his hands looked like the gnawed bones of an animal that had fallen into the teeth of a ferocious predator, the whites of his eyes were blood-red in color, almost overlapping the blue irises, which in their normal state would captivate with their unknown magnetism.

Simon swallowed the lump coming up to his throat. What could happen that his master had to spend so much energy to get his body in this state? Now it will take a minimum of a couple of people to restore his strength. Fortunately, in their basement, there were just a few individuals who did not want to cooperate. So tonight they will be wasted.

"And what would that facial expression mean?" Marcus lazily turned his head toward his deputy, the look of his bloody eyes caused a trembling in the body of the latter.

"Um, Master. During testing, we had a problem-"

Simon paused, analyzing the appearance of the owner. Marcus raised an eyebrow questioningly, indicating that he was ready to listen further.

"After calibrating the chip, Richard's vital signs dropped to zero, and soon after that, his body disappeared. We can't find him for half an hour already." Simon finished the report and bowed his head. The silence of Marcus could mean anything, and the subordinate was already ready for the most severe punishment.

"Who was responsible for the test?" Marcus's voice sounded indifferent, Simon could not understand if his boss was angry or not. Despite his frightening appearance, from the Master at that moment came some strange, unusual calm. Like the calm before the storm.

"It was me, sir," the laboratory assistant's voice sounded behind the deputy's back, the researcher was shifting from one foot to the other. The scientist knew that the Master, in any case, would find out about the details of the whole situation, therefore he preferred that he would better come to him with repentance rather than make the Master look for him.

"Come closer," Marcus said quietly, but it sounded even worse than if he shouted.

The laboratory assistant swallowed a lump, stepping up to his throat, and took a breath. He was sure that this was his last opportunity to enjoy the air. At that very moment, Marcus's hand squeezed his neck.

Despite the fact that Simon had been subordinate to Marcus for many years, and had seen this more than once, each time this procedure caused the man to freeze cold all over his skin.


The lab assistant fell to his knees and tried to grab hold of Marcus's hand, but everything was in vain. The rattles of a man filled the room, the pupils of his eyes became completely white, and his skin turned blue, from the side it seemed that he was slowly turning into a mummy. His life energy flowed smoothly into the body of Marcus, restoring the skin of the latter and returning its original appearance.

Marcus closed his eyes and opened them again, his pupils turned into a deep black color. He looked around the room, scanning through the walls every room in the building until he found the object he needed.

After which he blinked again, his eyes again turned sky blue and released his hand. The laboratory assistant fell to the floor, showing no signs of life.

"Put his body in the intensive care unit, after two weeks he should recover," Marcus instructed in a calm voice and rubbed his palms. The skin on the body managed to recover only ninety percent, but today he was in a good mood and decided to take pity on his employee.

"I obey, sir," Simon nodded his head; he did not expect the Master to be so generous with the scientist.

"You don't have to worry about Richard. I know where he is," Marcus turned and walked toward his private office.

Simon watched the receding silhouette of his boss and scratched his head.

'It seems to me, or is he somehow different today?' Having discarded unnecessary thoughts from his head, he called assistants via a communicator to transfer the poor fellow's body to the medical unit.

. . .