Underestimate Her Abilities.

David stepped out of the bathroom and his gaze immediately fell on the silhouette of an attractive woman turned with her back to him.

She leaned forward and was slowly putting on tight-fitting jeans, seductively lifting them up her legs.

Adjusting the trousers on her hips, Elena zipped them up and once again checked with her palms whether everything was all right with her clothes.

The man swallowed, no matter how many moments he caught her in such moments, each time his wife seemed to David sexier and sexier. Sometimes he felt crazy because he caught himself thinking how jealous of her clothes he is, which had the ability to hug her attractive body all day.

Elena threw her hair to the side, her hand slipped into the sleeve of a light cotton shirt, she turned her head and saw David not taking his eyes off her, "Oh, have you already washed? I'm almost ready," she smiled with her charming smile, and David no longer had the strength to restrain his desire.

"Of course, I washed myself. But now I am plagued by doubts that I will have to take a cold shower," he went to the woman, touched her shirt and straightened the second sleeve for his wife.

"Why do you need a cold shower?" As soon as both hands of Elena were in the sleeves, a strong hug of a man pressed her back to his chest, David began to slowly button up the buttons of her shirt one after another.

"The morning was very hot," he whispered to the woman's ear, not hesitating to bite the earlobe, which caused only an additional wave of goosebumps.

"Ahaha, David, stop teasing me, there's a lot to do today. We'll postpone all the entertainment for the evening," Elena murmured, turned her head towards the man and kissed his cheek tenderly. "I asked Corey to look after Sean, he would stay with them until the morning."

This news was more pleasant for a man than any quotes on the stock, even the jackpot in the lottery would have seemed to him a trifle compared to such a wonderful opportunity, "Mmm, what an understanding and wonderful friend you have."

"Well, she is. That's just... Daniel asked in exchange to help him arrange a date for him and Corey for Christmas, so Ashley will stay with us for the Christmas evening."

This news was not so pleasant for David.

The man thought for a second, and then grinned sarcastically, "No problem, Ashley is like a daughter to me, so I don't mind. On the contrary, we can even leave her with us longer, and let them go somewhere," the fiery lights flashed in his eyes, "How about sending Daniel to ski. For example, somewhere... In Siberia, with bears."

"Pffff, even for black humor it's too cruel! You know that he does not tolerate the cold," Elena laughed and pinched David's nose, "Moreover, this year even in Russia there was still no snow. I don't understand what's happening with the weather when the temperature in Siberia is high and snow is falling in Africa."

"Hmm, you're right," David's face immediately became serious, Elena knew that it was hardly an expression of concern about global climate change, and his next phrase confirmed her assumption, "Then we need to act for sure. We'll send him to Antarctica, there is definitely some snow there."

"God, one can only envy your mutual love," Elena knew that no matter how much the brothers argued and teased each other, at the right time they could count on the help and support of each other.



"Promise me that you will be cautious and careful," David turned the woman's face to him and continued in all seriousness, "Do not go away from me even an inch. If there is something suspicious, or if you are in danger, I will take you right away, you got it?"

Elena smiled, she pressed her hand to the man's cheek and gently stroked his face, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Marcus promised that he would do nothing."

"This is what bothers me the most. His friendliness alone is already suspicious, not to mention an incomprehensible thing of an incomprehensible purpose he is looking for."

Although David agreed to a deal with Marcus, he wanted to figure out all the possible scenarios and make sure that nothing would threaten his family and his loved ones.

"David, I understand the reasons for your concern, but I don't feel any strong threat from this person. Yes, Marcus has his own methods and I do not approve of his actions, moreover, I have many questions for him, to which I have not received answers. But I am not a god and not a judge to punish him for something. If he did something, he should be hold responsibility for it before the law," Elena put her arms around David's waist and pressed herself against his chest,

"Therefore, I am asking you, don't do rash things. I know your impulsiveness and Marcus is also not very patient, even if he provokes you with something, do not succumb to his tricks. I don't want to cause someone close to me to suffer because of me, whatever the reason is."

David hugged the woman in return and kissed the top of her head. He perfectly understood what she meant, because he knew that after so many years, Elena still partly blamed herself for the death of Professor Richards, thinking that it all started because of her.

And no matter how he tried to convince her otherwise, this feeling of guilt was firmly entrenched in the depths of the woman's soul. David knew that his wife was a kind person, sometimes even too kind in his opinion. But he loved this trait of her with all his heart because it was this kindness that made Elena what she was.

"Well, I promise that I will not do any rash things," the man said with a smile, knowing that this was partly a lie.

David decided not to tell anything to her about the serum that Daniel modified. He knew that Elena would not approve of this idea, but if he had to use this tool, it would mean only one thing - Marcus himself would force him to do so.

David got dressed quickly, checked everything he needed and was about to go to Daniel to clarify a few points until a persistent knock on the door interrupted his inner thoughts.

He glanced at his watch, it was about half an hour before leaving, the man opened the door and was surprised to see Nick's face full of annoyance and irritation.

"I just happened to meet Daniel, and he said that you were leaving in half an hour! Why am I not aware?!" The hair on his head was disheveled, and a trace from the pillow was barely noticeable on his face. It was obvious that the guy woke up recently.

"Yeah, and good morning to you too. And why, in fact, does it bother you so much?" asked David, fastening the watch strap on his wrist.

"How is that why? I have to go! Everyone is going except me!" the young man was indignant, by the face of David he realized that the latter did not even consider the option of Nick participating in this trip.

"Who's everyone? Corey with Lina and the children will be waiting at the hotel. And anyway, I don't understand why you need it? It doesn't concern you."

"How doesn't' it concern—" David's gaze silenced the young man in a word. Indeed, from the point of view of David, his demand was really absurd, and Nick could not come up with a good reason without revealing his true motives.

"Darling, I need to discuss with Daniel a couple of points before leaving, and so far, try to calm this big child down, so that he does not create additional problems," David kissed Elena on the cheek, looked at Nick with displeasure and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Elena went up to the young man and hugged him tightly, "Don't be offended. When he is nervous, he's always like that," the woman winked and pointed at Nick's wrinkled forehead with her index finger, "And you don't frown either, otherwise I'll have to calm you both."

Nick did not expect such tenderness early in the morning and was a little confused, not knowing what to answer. He turned his head to the side and scratched his head in embarrassment, to keep a contented smile was beyond his strength.

"Elena, can I go with you, please?"

The woman was ready to surrender under the pressure of his puppy eyes, but this trick did not work.

"No, you will stay. I want you to look after the children." Nick was surprised that even Elena was adamant in this matter.

"God, El, what will happen to them?" The young man rolled his eyes, the perspective of being a nanny did not inspire him at all.

"I'm not worried about them, but about you. I will feel better, knowing that you are safe."

The last sentence of the woman took Nick by surprise, he looked at her in dismay.

From her eyes, the young man realized that he had avoided her for a reason.


Elena stepped forward and winked mysteriously, "Nick Anderson, did you think that if I say nothing, then I don't remember anything? You seem to underestimate my abilities, young Master Teser."