Time to Collect the Gifts.

"Silly little man, are you so eager to say goodbye to your life? Two times were not enough for you?" Sean moved his finger slightly, the knife slipped out of Rick's hand and appeared in the boy's palm.

"Over so many centuries, the human race has not changed a bit. Instead of enjoying the blue sky, you, like moths, constantly strive for fire," Sean was slowly rotating the knife in the air above his palm, like in a whirlpool.

Solar glare sparkled on the smooth surface of the metal, his black eyes were ready to absorb even this light, "It is time to satisfy your desires." A small flame formed on the boy's palm, it gripped the knife and soon the object scattered in small sparks, leaving no trace.

"Who are you? Let my son go now!" David made an attempt to approach the boy, but his body refused to obey. It became heavy as if every cell was filled with lead, it even seemed to him that he had stopped breathing and watched what was happening, like an exhibit in some museum.

Sean turned his head and looked at his father, a slight smile pulled the corners of his lips, "Hmm, David, son of William. A worthy protector of my blood. But your request does not make sense, how can I let go of what is part of me? Do you suggest that I cut off this boy's hand or pull out his eye and say "take it, here I am"? Therefore, I say that you are stupid. You do not know the foundations of the universe, but pretend to be omnipotent. Silly little people."

The more David listened to the words of this creature, the more this situation seemed unreal to him, as if he had fallen into some unhealthy illusion of a madman with a strange fantasy. But what else worried him was his own feelings. The aura of this creature that captured Sean's body seemed familiar to him. Rick had the same feelings.

The man did not take his eyes off the child, trying to understand what the reason for this was. A pendant around the boy's neck attracted his attention the most.

As if reading the thoughts of the man, Sean turned to Rick and walked slowly in his direction, "What is it? Are you interested in this little thing? Take a closer look, you are already familiar with it, aren't you?"

The boy stopped next to the man, Rick was sitting on the ground and their difference in height was small, but he felt like a worthless insect compared to this five-year-old child.

Sean's aura was so absorbing that none of those present could move, even if they wanted to. The pendant on the boy's neck was at the level of Rick's eyes, close enough so that the man could see every pattern on it.

"This... This is...," Rick did not believe his eyes. How did this thing appear here?

He first saw this pendant when he was promoted to SS officer. Richard Steiner was the youngest, faithful and uncompromising follower of the ideas of the Fuhrer. He quickly grew up on the career ladder, and after joining the ranks of Ahnenerbe, made friends with Sigmund Taubert, the man of the same low principles and longing for power like air.

Among Taubert's acquaintances, there was one person about whom Richard knew nothing but a name. And that person's name was Mark.

The pendant that was now hanging around Sean's neck was the exactly same pendant that Mark had.

A slight grin flew from the boy's lips, "Your memory deserves respect, human. But why did you touch things that you didn't even know about? Your greed has led you to where there will be no way out."

Right. It was this pendant that was a key element in the design that they used when experimenting with David and Elena in a previous life. This thing was an activator that triggered the mechanism. And its safety was personally monitored by that man, Mark.

No one had the right to touch the pendant, and even Sigmund Taubert himself complied with this requirement without further questions.

The last moments of his past life flashed through Rick's head. This look, this aura. It was this feeling he experienced shortly before his death when the fragile seventeen-year-old girl Lena was looking at him.

The man frowned. So it was the same creature that had been in Elena all the years before. But how did it appear in Sean?

If this was exactly the essence that they had awakened dozens of years ago, then he could check one risky assumption. Rick raised his head and looked into the boy's eyes with all seriousness, "I am your Master, listen to me and do as I command."

Sean's face showed genuine surprise, he looked at Rick with wide eyes and a loud laugh rang out in the heads of people, "Ahaha, human arrogance truly knows no bounds!"

The smile left his face, the boy raised his hand and touched Rick's forehead, "Dare to disturb my sleep, introduced my particle into the body of a child who was not intended for this. I had to wait two generations before I could return to the Teser family. And then you had the audacity to come and demand my submission? Do not forget, little human, your power over me was imaginary, and the connection that you and the other two people had is already broken after your death."

David saw how blood flowed from Rick's nose, the vessels in his eyes burst and protruded through the whites of his eyes.

"Sean, stop now!" Ashley screamed hard, she couldn't watch her father in impending danger.

The boy's hand trembled and he stepped back, "Hmm, who would have thought that the power of the destined could be manifested even at that age." Rick immediately felt relieved, he had already begun to think that his head would explode from tension.

"Human, you are lucky that this girl is the future partner of my descendant, otherwise you would have long been responsible for your arrogance."

What? Future partner of the descendant? David looked at Ashley, and then at Sean. Did this mean that the creature was talking about these children?

Then, if Sean was a descendant of this creature, it means that now in front of them was none other than...

"I told you that to separate me from this child is a pointless task," Sean looked at David, the man still understood the connection that the spirit mentioned earlier, "Just as you can not deny the cells of your father and everyone who was before him, in your body, the blood of the Teser family also carries power and a part of the one whom they came from."

David remembered the legend Armand was talking about. That the origins of the Teser family come from the ancient immortal king, to whom God granted eternal life and awarded his descendants with special powers.

It turns out that the creature in front of them, if it was an ancestor of Sean, could just be that king.

"What do you think, how can a person who has never spoken or studied the ancient language, understand it? The memory of your ancestors is stored in every cell of your body, but the minds of ordinary people are too primitive, they are not able to use the potential of their family which was inherent in them at birth. My descendants have no such problem," the boy walked forward and stopped in the center of the drawing.

He ran his palm over the surface of the pattern, and the stone grooves lit up with intense blue light. This light filled the entire area, the stone slabs under the boy's feet moved and rustled from their positions, changing the pattern.

"For centuries, people have longed for immortality, not realizing that they already possess it. Their particle moves in time from person to person, like circles diverging on water. So what more do you want in this world when all its blessings are already at your feet?"

The boy waved his hand and the blue light disappeared as if it had never happened. He looked up and looked at everyone. His deep black gaze caused a very tense feeling in the people around him. This feeling was comparable to the observation of a huge snow avalanche rushing in your direction and sweeping away everything in its path.

"The key is obtained. It's time to collect the gifts."

"Do not drag my child into this, please," David already realized that the creature in front of him was much more powerful than all of them combined, the man tried to be polite, but firm in his request.

Sean raised his hand and looked at his palm, "Human, this boy's body is not strong enough for me. I found a more suitable vessel for my embodiment."

David did not know what kind of vessel he was talking about, but the fact that this spirit did not need his son was a good sign for a man.

"The will of this boy belongs to someone else."

Only David breathed a sigh of relief, as the words of the spirit smashed his calmness into smithereens.

"What do you mean?" he asked, and he saw Sean turn around and point a finger at Rick.

"This man and this boy serve one Master. And this Master will be here soon."