Tell Me What You Want.

The metal banisters next to Amelia creaked slightly, after which she heard a low voice that did not betray any emotion, "Today is such wonderful weather for walking, isn't it? What do you say, Miss Teser?"

Amelia turned her head and a pair of blue eyes met her, instantly captivating with their beauty. But the girl's face remained just as restrained. She knew well that a real demon was hiding behind this attractive mask, skillfully manipulating the emotions of the others.

Marcus smirked, amazed at the girl's equanimity, the quick beating of her heart did not hide from his keen hearing, the man handed her a yellow maple leaf, "Here, a small gift in honor of our first meeting. I would even say our acquaintance. I'm sure I don't need to introduce myself, right? With your amazing abilities, you already know everything."

Amelia took the sheet from his hands, "Thank you for the gift, but it was not necessary. I propose to solve our problem here and now," a maple leaf slipped out of her hands and again fell to the ground at the feet of a standing couple.

"I'll tell you bluntly, I refuse to help you with what you are up to. And the future that can connect us, I propose to avoid it and make sure our life paths no longer intersect," the girl said.

Marcus barely restrained himself so as not to laugh out loud at the arrogance of this petty girl. After so many years of painful expectation, she dared to set conditions for him?

"Hah, are you sure that you have the right to dictate the rules here, huh, baby? Forgot who are you talking to? Do not forget that you are not the only one who knows about the future. Why should I listen to you when it is directly related to my life?"

The man took a step forward, and Amelia immediately stepped back, the aura of this man was different from the one that she remembered in childhood.

"I knew about you before you were born, I saw how you were born and how you were growing all these years. Do not have naive illusions that I don't know something about you or don't know what you are up to," with each step his voice became lower and lower, and like a heavy stone, it pressed on the girl's shoulders to subordinate her will and break her determination.

Amelia froze and put her hand forward, blocking the approach of the man. As soon as she touched his chest, a wave of goosebumps ran through her body, she pulled her hand back. The long-forgotten sensations captured her with renewed vigor, like a huge tsunami wave covering a fragile boat with its irrepressible power.

Marcus frowned, his shoulders tensed at the light touch of the girl, the next second his face was distorted by a grimace of disgust. He lowered his head forward, capturing Amelia's eyes by his gaze,

"I hate you. I hate you to the core, like all your filthy little family. Therefore, do not dare to stand here and tell what to do with your important look. Got it, A-me-lia?" the man hissed.

The girl squeezed her lips into a thin line, she always considered herself a restrained person and did not expect that Marcus's words would hurt her so much. What happened to him? She had no illusions that their meeting would be like the one of two bosom friends, but did not expect such outright hostility on his part.

Maybe her visions were wrong, her memory messed up something? The cold-staring gaze of the man only intensified her doubts.

Without knowing why, Amelia felt a deep offense, as if someone had squeezed her heart in a tight grip, "Then it is mutual," she answered, trying to keep her voice as even as possible, "So why do you need me if you hate me so much? If you yourself know everything without my help? It was you who came to me, I was not seeking this meeting."

Marcus tilted his head to the side, pretending to reflect on the girl's words. "Hmmm, really, why?" The man scratched his chin, and then straightened up and slapped Amelia on the shoulder,

"So be it. Why should I spoil my mood with your presence? Okay, I wasn't happy to see you, so okay, ciao!" Marcus waved his hand, turned and walked away.

Amelia stood for several minutes and looked at his back, not understanding what was happening. Next to this man, all her visions faded, she could not decide what to do next.

For eight years, she relied on her abilities, analyzing and weighing the consequences of each of her actions, choosing the most favorable outcome of events.

"What, and is that all?" She wandered in the opposite direction in complete confusion. How many times she scrolled their meeting in her head, how many times she analyzed possible options, but this one was not among them.

"No, something is wrong," the girl muttered under her breath, trying to figure out what to do next, as cold fingers squeezed her throat. She felt the man's second hand grab her by the waist, and Marcus pressed her back to his body.

"Oops, I said you could be free, and you decided to fly away immediately, my little butterfly?" His voice, like burning steam, sounded next to the girl's ear, "Sorry, but I'm so changeable, I change my mind any second, ahaha!"

The man laughed out loud, and from that voice, Amelia was ready to shrink into a small lump. His laughter burned colder than the arctic wind.

"Don't even hope to run away from me," he added, and the couple dissolved in air, leaving only crumpled fallen leaves instead of traces.

The girl felt how for a moment her body became weightless, and the next second her cheeks were overwhelmed with warmth.

Marcus pushed her away from him, and Amelia fell onto the bed, they were in a room unknown to her, similar to a prison cell.

She groped a cold bed with her hand, and horror began to creep into her heart, "W-what do you want?" the girl moved back and buried her back against a stone wall.

Marcus's face was indifferent as if he had not noticed Amelia's startled look. His lips parted, and words without a shadow of emotion reached the girl's ears, "You are the master at seeing the future. So tell me what I want," his gaze slid over the girl's pale pink lips and froze in her amber eyes, "And what do you want," he added in a whisper, turned and slammed the massive cell door behind him.

After taking a few steps from the door, the man leaned on the wall and slowly crawled down. He lowered his head to his knees, his fingers were digging forcefully into his hair disheveled by the wind.

He swore to himself that this meeting would be the last one, that he would prefer her hatred over risking Amelia's life. But as soon as she touched him, the whole world of the man, like a house of cards, collapsed at the feet of this silly eighteen-year-old girl. The calm with which she went away caused only fury and resentment in him.

She could not even imagine what power she had over him.

Choking power, able to subdue even the cruelest monster, if only he was allowed to be next to her...