Thank You Page.


Dear readers, this is the end of our journey in this story.

It was a long journey, it was not always the way I wanted. The past year presented many challenges and changed the way of life. I couldn't write as often as I wanted, but I'm glad I was able to finish this story.

Not everyone reached the end :D so I am grateful to all of you who are reading these lines which I wrote from the bottom of my heart. Your comments, votes, support have been the most powerful motivation for writing new chapters.

I appreciate the input of all of you, dear readers and I see your every single vote.

Thank you lynnettekty! Every day she gave all her votes for my work, 643 days in a row! This is amazing!

Thank you Manisha_Aggarwal! Your comments were almost always the first, 1811 votes over 603 days! This support is invaluable!

GereFinest, Kanwalpreet_Kaur, 7whiteroses, Krystell, Sukhmani, imshubhalaxmi, heena2912, Tenshi23, amateur_reader - there are so many of you, guys! I am sorry if I did not mention someone's name, just know that I am grateful to each of you!

Yulduz, Lordvakrol, Langmaster, SaidMakhmudov, DreamWalkerRu - my dear friends and family, thank you for being here.

Thank you all again for being with me on this journey of creating something new. A story that has become a new world, even if this world is in our head.

I sincerely believe that I have made wonderful heroes, who, in many ways, can be a good role model. I believe that the thoughts and events of this book have once again shown the value of human relationships, faith, support, love, respect. Respect for ourselves, for other people, and for the world in which we live.

The Fragments of Time series will consist of four books.

I originally planned two, which I wrote. But your comments and requests made my brain come up with a sequel. Special thanks to Nancy_Singh for this. She so wanted for herself the position of Nick's butler that in the end, she got a separate character named after her, with whom we will meet in the third part.

There will be two more books in this series:

Book 3. Fragments of Time: The First Guardian.

In this part, we will learn the history of the origin of the Teser family. We will plunge into the mysterious world of Ancient Sumer. Let's see how this whole story began. New heroes, a lot of action, adventure and, of course, romance are waiting for us.

Book 4. Fragments of Time: The Rise of a new God.

This book will conclude this cycle and will be the culmination of the story. I will not reveal the details yet, but I will do my best to make it a worthy ending of the series.

I planned to start the first Guardian in January (in fact, I mentioned that in the synopsis for the book), but I also planned to finish the current part much earlier. As you can see, it didn't work out.

The third book will also be a serious test for me, for which I need to prepare. I cannot yet name the exact date when I will start it, but definitely not in the next three months.

Therefore, I hope for your understanding. If you don't want to miss the start of the new part, do not forget to subscribe to the First Guardian (you can find it among the works in my profile).

Once again, many thanks to all for walking this path with me!

Take care of yourselves!

P.S. In the meantime, while we have not yet embarked on a new adventure with already familiar characters, I invite you to join me in a fun, romantic comedy

To Color Your Life.

You can find it in my profile.

P.P.S. I almost forgot, we are waiting for an epilogue! Do you want to know what happened to Marcus, Amelia and Nick? Hehe, stay in touch!

Best regards, Anya.