
I kiss her as soon as we are inside our privacy zone. I trap her against the closed door. My hands roaming over her body. I'm already throbing.

"Kii..." I called.

Her hands that hugging my torso tighten, pulling me closer as She moaned when I lick her neck and suck it.

I work on her button as she did mine. Then before long they were gone.

I kiss her again. She is gorgeous. Her ragged breath, her flushed face, the love bites that starting to form in her body. She is so ravishing. I pulled her to my body.

"Bed. Now" are the only things I can utter.

"what are we waiting for then?" she asks breathlessly. Playfully.

I pull her then, discarding her bra in the process. My legs hit the bed then I go down with an 'Oomph' bringing her down with me. I blink in confuse for a moment. Did I just fell down? She laughed at my surprised face and kiss me.

God, I can kiss her for eternity.

She kiss my temple, my cheeks my eyes, my jaw, down to my neck and chest.

"Kii..." I moaned.

"yes" she whispered.

"allow me?" I said.

"with pleasure" she replied with a smile.

I lay her down and kiss her again. I messages her breast with one hand, my other hand pulling her underwear off her.

"don't stare too much. I will get embarrassed" Kii said with a blush.

"can't a man admiring the woman he loves?" I said with a teasing tone.

"Surely not that much... Oh.." she trails as I lick her belly button.

"Ace-kun..." she gasps

Her moans are always sound like melodies to my ears. I lick her entrance more and suck. Oh Ether, can she even be more sexier than now?

"That's enough, please" she said.

I pause when I feel her hand touching my arm.

"I want to touch Ace-kun too. It's not fair that Ace-kun is that far away from me" she says again with a sulk.

Oh dear Ether, I'm dying. She's just... Damn! I lost words. I hurriedly throw off my belt and bottom. When I come for a kiss, she is waiting for me. We kiss like there is no tomorrow. Hands exploring each other body. It's a bliss. She is so damn perfect and she is mine.

"Kii... Ride me" I tell her, flipping us over.

"I.. It's... No I can't... I don't..." she stutters. Blushing mad, her eyes wide uncertain.

I cradle her cheeks, kissing her nose "you'll be fine" I tell her.

She bites her bottom lip. Slowly, tentatively she lowered herself on me. I moaned. It's feel so damn good.

"go on, you're doing fine" I told her when she paused to look at me.

She stares at me as I moaned her name again. Continuing her way down, I can see her sweats sliding on her forehead. She moans as I'm fully inside her. Eyes still on me. Now I understand why she always says don't stare too much. It's kind embarrassing to be stared that much. And I'm a pirate. I have no shame. Yet her stare is penetrating me, my soul. I shivered. I kinda feel wanted by her.

"Ace-kun is gorgeous" Kii said.

I blinked. Her eyes looks glossy. She blinked several times as if to get rid of something. Gorgeous? Did she means this body? Or...

"ah, I'm sorry" she said flopping herself to hide her face on my chest.

Oh, it's Portgas D Ace then. I smile. I was jealous for a moment. I wonder if it can be called jealousy when it is also literally you. I don't like it when she praised this body, Arzen's body, even when it's me. Guess uncounciously I always separated myself from him. I'm Ace and forever will be Portgas D Ace. It was Gol D Ace but details, details, meh..

She sometime will think of past me when she was unfocused. I'm damn happy about that but she is not. I need to tell her soon about everything me and the boy who was me? Nah, let's wait for later we're in the middle of making love now.

"Kii, are you going to leave me hanging?" I asked her with a playful tone.

"maybe" she answers.

I feel her smile to my chest. I knew she is grateful I didn't press for an answer about why she was apologizing.

"cruel.." I said before moans after moans following it.

Kii put her hands on my chest as she moves her body up and down. She is a sight to behold. Her moans, her pleasured face, damn I'm going crazy. I touch her breasts then pull her to me so I can kiss them too. I move myself up and down following her rhythm. I'm getting close. Our moans and grunts of pleasure filling up the room.

"Ace-kun, please I don't think I can hold it anymore" Kii's breathless voice reach my ears.

I understand and switch us over, continue pounding into her on the bed. She is moaning my name. I feel myself getting closer and closer. We came at the same time. She bit on my upper chest to stop herself from screaming. I call out her name.

We stay like that for a while, catching our breaths. Kii changed a lot this past months both in physics and mind. It's my fault. I've corrupted her. I proud of it.

She is more confident now. She doesn't scare to speak up for herself. She won't let people just walk on her either. She doesn't hesitate to interfere when she saw pink thing advancing on me. She will plant herself between me and her then look up at me with cute smile which she knows will make me lose to anything else but her. Isn't she good? Aren't you proud of her too?

I caress her hair. It's longer now, soft and silky. She has a straight hair which curled naturally at the bottom. It's cute on her. Even without any accessories on them she look far more enchanting than other woman out there whom like to wear overly gaudy hair accessories.

"Kii, you okay?" I ask her.

"uh-huh. I'm falling asleep" she answers.

"let's get cleaned up then" I said laughing

"we will just do it again there" kii said with a matter of fact sound.

"hm? Are you suggesting something, my dear?" I tease.

She looks up at me then peck my lips.

"I'm stating a fact" she says, smiling.

"oh?" I raise my brows

"yes!" she nods.

We stare at each other waiting the other to blink first. It last for minutes. Then we laugh at our own silliness. I pull her back to me and hold her.

"my eyes sting" she complains.

"that's because you refuse to blink" I told her.

"I don't blink because Ace-kun didn't blink" she said.

Ah, I forget her bad habits. She sometime uncounciously did that. When people stare at her too much for her comfort, she will stare back at them until they stop.

"Kii..." I call.

"hmm?" is her only reply.

"Don't get too close with Rhuifen anymore" I told her.

"I didn't get close to him in the first place, Ace-kun. We fell down" she said looking up at me.

"I know but still, I am jealous" I kiss her forehead.

"I love Ace-kun and Ace-kun only" she kiss my cheek.

"I know" I say, caressing her hair again.

She lay her head on my chest again.

"let's cuddle" I told her.

"Ace-kun, we're cuddling" Kii said.

"Nah, let's cuddle more" I said offhandedly.

At her giggles I promise myself that I won't let anyone coming between us. Whether it was Rhuifen, pink thing, or even memory of Arzen. Kii is mine only like I'm only hers.

Our Academy start on January and end on October. We are given 2 months holiday to spend with our family and relax our mind before new term starts.

Our exam is on July then August and September are given for them who need to improve their grades or still failed at something. October is to prepare graduation.

On first July, the academy tasked us to go into the forest to subjugate beasts they decide on for our magic and physical exam, two weeks later we will have theory exam.

We are separated into groups with 8 members each. The forest is quite dangerous and we need to go there without an instructor on the group as they will only on stand by if there is a 'need help sign'. Red spark if it was dangerous and blue if it is only small matters. The younger class is always have lesser members than upper class as the school only accept older students for an exchange. That's why the group usually countents of 1 each of first and second years member and 2 members each for third, fourth and fifth years.

Our group was different as we have two first years instead. Aoi refuse to be separated from Kii. And no one. I repeat. No one (if you don't know how he actually is) is able to resist Aoi's sad and pitiful eyes. Not even the Academy's instructors. So they made an exception. So there we have Aoi and Kii in first year, Jupiter and I in third year. Venus and unfortunately, pink thing in fourth year. I was hoping for Midori but she went with Nii-Sama group so I can't complain. And Rhuifen and Akai in the fifth year. If only Nii-Sama and Midori were there instead of Rhuifen and pink thing, it would be our whole family together. Well, excluding Jupiter and Venus of course. Oh they are Rhuifen's bodyguards name if you wonder. And that was also another exception because of Rhuifen title as Prince of our allied kingdom.

It was an easy trip. We subjugated our beast fast enough. The beasts were weak as hell. Even the seven years old me back then would defeat it easily. It would be peaceful if not for pink thing annoying chatter here and then. She keep trying to open a conversation with me, sometime she would even touched my arm or brushed herself on me when I ignored her. Kii stopped her several time but she just did it again. Kii puffed her cheeks in annoyance. She looked so adorable.

Personally I was to busy admiring Kii to even noticed that pink thing. Kii was really grown up. She used to be scared when we went to the forest and would hide behind a tree when a beast showed up. Now though, she was even able to subjugate her beast by her own. Unlike someone who only able to 'kyaaa-ing and no-ing' and wait for someone to help her. I'm so proud of Kii.

Looking at me that did nothing but smiling at Kii and to kii's puffy face. Aoi sighed and sacrifice himself to conversated with pink thing. Thanks Aoi-chan!

We were on our way back when it happened.

We found a cave. Pink thing was impressed and pestered us to check inside it. Honestly? I argued that it might be dangerous. I love dangerous things but Kii was there. I didn't want to take her to unknown territory. Not when there was enemy (pink thing) within us. But Akai and Rhuifen were too stupid to think right and just went along with pink thing's request. Because we couldn't go back without them (we failed if we do) we had no choice but followed them. I grumbled along the way so did Aoi. Aoi hated dark place.

Rhuifen and venus were in front as a precaution of danger with Akai and Jupiter on our back. We found two tunnels. We all came to stand in front of them to examined it. Venus was just pointed that the ground seems thin and it might be dangerous to went further in when pink thing did the most stupid things in the world. She bumped into Kii. Kii's foot stepped in to one of the tunnels, its ground cracked.

"Eh?" Kii exclaimed in surprise. Then her body falls.

As Aoi, Rhuifen and I tried to reach her hands I felt a body crashed into me and I fell to the other side of tunnels, without Kii.

My body fell with a thud. Damn, my back hurt, I thought. I blinked my eyes to get rid of the stars that danced around it. Then a body fall on me.

"Kii..?" I called.

"ah, Arzen-sama. I'm sorry" the body on my chest said.

Gah! What the hell, Ether?! Get this filth off me right now! I was about to throw her off when another body fell on top of her. Urk! The hell?

"that's... hurt" Aoi's voice said.

"Get off!" I whizzed angrily.

Aoi immediately get off of us when he noticed who were below him. Pink thing just closed her eyes and leaned her head on my chest.

"that's mean you too" I said. Pushed her harshly off my body.

"where is Kii?" I asked Aoi.

"she fell to the other tunnel, I guess" Aoi said glancing around us to find way out.

Pink thing was still on the ground pretended to be hurt and waited for our help. As usual. Aoi and I glanced at her then stared at each other. Both of us unwilling to help her. I sigh. Then as a nice brother that I was I left that pink thing to Aoi and walked away from them. Aoi's incredulous stare pierced my back. I ignored it. Aoi sighed.

"Are you okay?" he asked pink thing.

"I think I strained my ankle" she said.

I snorted. She fell on top of me. Did she strained her ankle in the air?

We walked further inside with Aoi helped pink thing to walk. We found another tunnel separated by deep cracks with the place we were standing in. We heard a sound of clicking noise. We turned around at the same time Kii was jumped toward us with Rhuifen on her heels.

"that's dangerous. Why didn't you let me help you?" Rhuifen said in worry.

"I'm fine, though" Kii said to him.

She looks annoyed. Then she noticed us. She dashed to us.

"be careful!" Rhuifen warned.

Kii skidded in front of me.

"Ace-kun, kiss me!" she demanded.

I kissed her in reflect.

"not there. Here" she said pointing at her neck.

Rhuifen halted on his way. Aoi was blinking his eyes. His free hand nursed his temple. Pink thing was once again acted like a starving fish. I kissed Kii in the place she wanted.

"not that I wasn't happy, but what is this all about?" I asked her.

Kii hugged me then pointed at Rhuifen.

"he kissed me there" she said.

Our eyes turned to Rhuifen.

"Rhuifen-sama won't do that. Kii-sama is being rude! Please apologize to Rhuifen-sama" pink thing said hotly.

"Kii?" Aoi asked looking between them.

I stared at Rhuifen. He stared back at me with a challenging eyes. Oh, so that how it was.

I kissed Kii once more. Longer and deeper this time. My eyes still on Rhuifen. He narrowed his eyes at me. Kii is mine. My treasure. There is no way I will let anyone steal her.

We managed to find the other and went safely back to academy's ground. Kii was holding my hand contently. Rhuifen keep glancing at her and his two bodyguards looking at him worriedly. Akai look confused and the pink thing was fuming at Kii. Her eyes glared hatefully at her. Aoi who still helping her humming happily at her unhappiness.

As soon as the exam was over. I took Kii back to her room to get rid of all Rhuifen's trace on her.

That was hours ago.

We've done few more rounds after that and have been cleaned long ago. Kii is sleeping snuggly on my chest. She must be exhausted. I wasn't exactly gentle on her. She loves it though. Sometime we went slow, sometime I was rough. She loves both. The gentleness and slowness of our making love way when we just want to show how much we love each other. Or the hard and rough passionate night we spent as we feel our passions for each other flowing uncontrollably on our body. She loves them as much as I do.

I smile at remembrance. She always goes along with anything I want. She seems to find that it is exciting to find out how it will turn be. We enjoyed to try every new position as we make love. It's never get old with her. Never get bored. Every days is adventure. We always seem to find new things. I caress her more. Kii, the love of my life.

I wonder sometimes... it is okay for me to be this happy?

Here, I wasn't the son of demon. My birth wasn't cursed by other and I never need to question my existence. It's too good for someone like me. Is it okay for me to have Kii? I love her a lot. Oh Ether, if you're listening. I know you're. Please let me be in Kii's side until the day we die. No! even after we die please let us stay together.

I glance around her room. There sat on the table is my painting. She loved it. She loves Portgas D Ace too. Even after she knows all his life. Of how unworthy he was. She still love him. Like Luffy does. Like Sabo does. Like oyaji and my crews do. Like gramps and the bandits do. They never told me but now I realize that they also loved me back then. I really need to tell her the truth soon.

She is agonizing about her feelings towards us. Me and me? Me staying quite has been hurting her a lot. I don't want her to think about unnecessary things. Think that she was unfaithful and doubted herself when it was just me that she loves. Truthfully, I just don't want her to suddenly decided that she was in love with Portgas D Ace after all and left me or she decided that it was me that she loves then she forget all about Portgas D Ace.

Eh, it was same thing you said? Well, both sound bad in my head.

I might be the only one who is more jealous of myself than others man that is after her. I sigh and burrowed myself on her hair. I'll tell her soon, I promise myself before I close my eyes and followed her to dream land.