Revenge 14: Useless Wife

As the three young ones are talking, Mary and her brother-in-law are also talking about business. The real reason why James is here its because to make his daughter get close to Anna and her brother. By doing that, they will continue to the same line of a plan that Rebecca June almost ruined by spouting her ill action to Anna in front of the elder.

Their real plan was to poison the old man with the drink that Mary will give him so that everyone at the party will think that Mary has been planning to kill the old man all these years. Unfortunately for them, it failed because of Rebecca's selfish decision. Her insecurities led them to nothing.

If Rebecca fulfilled her duty at the party and killed the old man. The company's shareholders will force Mary out of the company, and the company will be his by default.

"So... Are you considering their proposal?" Mary is in deep thoughts considering the Livingston Corps' proposal. Their proposal could definitely benefit the Coleman Corps, but it's too risky. The Livingston Corps' representation has too many risks to deal with if the Coleman Corps agree to their proposal.

"No." James was shocked to hear that. Even though he hated Mary to his very bones, he indeed admires Mary's skills when it comes to business. Mary made Coleman Corps' income increased rapidly during her reign. He wondered why Mary would decline such an offer to make Coleman Corps richer than it already is.

"W-Why?" James thinks that Mary might have eaten something that has poison in it that it wreaked her brain process, well it is good if she did so that she can be good as dead, but the point is! She's declining such a good proposal!

"Why?" Mary looked at him with disappointment in her eyes. "James, are you stupid or what?" James was stupified when he heard her say that. Why was he the one being called stupid? He's not the one who's being stupid for declining a good proposal. "There are too many risks in this project. Do you really think that I would allow this? This project will fail, and it will only decrease our company's rate of income. You studied business. How come you can't even see any risks in this proposal?" When it comes to business, Mary can be cold as ever, and everyone in the company is scared of her wrath. That's why they never wished to offend her in any way.

James felt offended by what Mary just said to him, 'she really is cold-hearted when it comes to a business.

James could only walk awkwardly after their conversation and called his daughter. The father and daughter pair went home, on the road while driving his car James felt anger rose inside him as he thinks of what happened earlier. On the other hand, Sharon felt happy because she would take the opportunity that Aaron gave her and take advantage of the twins. The positive and negative aura filled inside the car.

When they got home James' wife blooming face welcomed them both. Since Sharon has a good day, she walked up to her mother, kissed her cheeks happily, and went to her room to prepare her clothes for tomorrow's event.

Gloria Coleman, James' wife, she walked up to her husband to kiss his cheeks, but James just shoved his wife away before she could kiss his cheek.

James went to the living room and saw dozens of shopping bags lying around the floor. This site makes his blood boils. His useless wife only knows how to shop and how to look pretty in public. "What f*ck is all this?!" He shouted, which startled Gloria.

"Can't you see? That's my clothes and jewelry." Gloria's eyes sparkled as she went in front of her husband, but when she saw her husband's face, she wondered what did she do this time to make that scary face.

Gloria loves her husband with all her heart and soul, but her husband doesn't feel the same. The only reason why they're together in marriage is that Gloria got pregnant with his child. No matter how many times James tries to tell his father that he doesn't want to marry Gloria and is only willing to do child support, the elder Coleman just shrugs him off and is forcefully married, Gloria.

The elder Coleman has always been very prideful in their family's reputation. The elder doesn't want any disgrace in the family. If one of his sons makes a mistake, they must take responsibility for it, or he will take action that they wouldn't like. Unfortunately for James, he did something that he regretted in his life, he got Gloria pregnant, and his freedom was taken away from him forcefully.

"You useless woman! You only know how to shop and gossip! I can't believe that I'm married to a woman like you! Even though I hate Mary to my very bones, she's much better than you!" Gloria was hurt when she heard those words coming from her husband's mouth. Ever since she was married to her husband, she always has been compared to Mary.

James stormed out of the living room and went to his workroom to vent out all his anger. He doesn't want to spend more time with his useless wife. Gloria clenched her fist in anger. All this time, she thought that she can please her husband just by looking pretty, but her husband's reaction was the exact opposite of what she always wanted to see in her husband's eyes. She wanted to see loving eyes in him but what she always saw in him was anger.

If she can't please her husband by just looking pretty and with her body, then she will please her husband by helping him eliminating Mary and her pesky children. When all of those unsightly people are gone, her husband will be the new head of the family, and she will be the new head lady. Nobody will ever compare her to Mary anymore. After all, she's much more suitable for the title.