Revenge 23: Again and Again, Same Result

~Sunday afternoon at the Pheonix Mall~

"I thought it's just gonna be the three of us?" Aaron looked at the two new faces that are in front of him. Two males, one has black hair and the other has reddish-brown hair, both look handsome and fit.

"It's supposed to be TWO, but you tagged along. I'm being considerate here you know? I don't want you to be the only guy coming along with us, people might think you're gay if you're with us doing girly stuff... or perhaps you're really a..." Nathalia gasped with both hands in her hands before continuing, ""

"I am not!" Aaron growled, clearly, he's very pissed off by Nathalia's claim of his sexual preference.

Before the situation goes overboard Anna spoke up to change the subject, "So who are they?" Nathalia's eyes lit up in excitement and introduced the two young men.

"Josh Visser, the silent one." Nathalia pointed out the guy with black hair. In Anna's own opinion, Josh looked like a wild untamed playboy. Nathalia saw how Anna stared at Josh and already know what she's thinking, "He's not one of those playboys, he may look like one but he's just a nerdy type of a guy." Anna found it hard to believe her but she just nods in the end. "This one is the very childish one, Zen Fischer. This guy causes so many troubles for everyone around but he's fun to be with. I already told them about you, no need for you to introduce yourself."

"It's really a pleasure to meet you, Anna." Zen flashed a smile on Anna. Zen has a baby face and that smile just made Anna wanna pinch his face out of cuteness. 'Control yourself, Anna. You're not close enough to do that to him yet. If fate agrees that the both of you can become close friends you can do that him!'

"Okay! Enough chit-chatting! Let's go!" Nathalia said in a hyper tone and pulled Anna's hand.

The first thing that the five of them went into is the arcade. Combining both of Anna's two lives this is the first time she went here. In her first life when she was still with Rebecca her 'friend' they only went to boutiques and beauty stores. She never got the experience of having fun inside the arcade, there was a time that she asked for them to go but Rebecca just said to her that its inappropriate for a girl like them to go such place and that it could only ruin their image.

Now that she thinks about its such a lame excuse coming from Rebecca. Anna just shook her head, disappointed in herself for believing Rebecca.

While the others were discussing on what they should do first, Nathalia noticed that Anna is staring at the basketball game. 'Hmmm... Maybe she wants to try that first?' after thinking for a while Nathalia spoke, "How about trying that first? Since Anna has been eyeing on that for a while." Pointing out the game with her finger and the rest of them nodded in agreement.

Anna got startled when Nathalia mentioned her name she wasn't purposely staring at the basketball game she was just deep in her thoughts, that's all. "H-huh? I am not. We can just try for another one."

"Come on! Don't deny it! Let's go! Let's try it!"

Once again Nathalia pulled Anna in front of the game.

"I don't really know how to shoot the ball though." Anna said in a low tone loud enough for the four of them to hear.

"It's just for fun. It doesn't matter if you're good at it or not." He said that but in his eyes, it showed competitiveness. In fact, Zen also had the same shine in his eyes too. Looks like this two likes to be competitive.

Anna hesitated at first but Nathalia and Aaron kept on pushing her to play so, in the end, Anna is now holding a ball.

All of them started shooting the ball except for Nathalia and Aaron. They said they're just gonna watch them play.

~moments later~

"Tell me honestly. Have you played basketball before?" Zen asked Anna.

"Err... Never played it before." Anna awkwardly smiled at the people who are intently staring at her. Why are they looking at her like that?

"Are you sure?" Zen asked again and Anna just nodded in response. "Then how come your score is much higher than mine and Josh?! You didn't even miss a shot!" His eyes showed admiration and when Anna saw that she felt good for herself.

"I guess... Beginners luck?" Looking at the scores Anna did have a higher score than the two of them. As far as Anna knows about Zen and Josh they both are in a basketball team in their school. Nathalia said that they're good when they play but then how come hers is much higher than theirs? Maybe they let her win? Maybe.

"Again. Let's play again." They all looked at Josh who's been quiet the whole time. Unfortunately for Anna's guess, they were not letting her win, in fact, Josh and Zen were competing with each other quietly the whole time. They didn't care about Anna's score because the main point for her to play is to have fun, but now looking at the scores Josh is much more determined to get a higher score than hers.

"Huh? Again?" Zen asked for confirmation. Between him and Josh's score, Josh scored higher than him that means Josh wins so there's no need to play again, unless if Josh wants to beat Anna's score.

"Yes. The loser will treat all of us for food." Zen who's the number one miser in the group back out, even when he wanted to play again he doesn't want to take the risk of losing and spend his money for them. He already knows that he can't win against Josh and as for Anna it looks like he can't win against her either. It's better safe than sorry.

Anna agreed. It doesn't really matter to her if she won or not, she's having fun after all.

Anna and Josh played again and the result was the same as earlier. Josh was dejected, he couldn't accept the fact that he lost against Anna so they kept on playing round by round and Josh is losing again and again.

The three watchers got bored of watching the two of them playing and hearing the same results again, so they decided to play on their own and have some fun leaving Anna and Josh take over the basketball game. Some people who were watching the of them complained that they're not getting their turn to play but Anna and Josh just ignored them and kept on playing.

They only stopped when Zen told them that he's hungry and his tummy needs to be fed before he gets cranky and acts like not at his age.

When they both stopped playing Josh groan in displeasure, this is the first time he lost in a basketball game especially to a girl. In school or outside of school he never experienced the feeling of losing a game, this is his first time feeling it.