Revenge 25: Loving Attention

"Oh, I know! Let's go skating! There's a skating rink upstairs!" Anna was relieved that Nathalia's cheerfulness is back.

After their feast, the five of them went their way to the skating rink. While Nathalia is excited Zen's face is gloomy. Anna noticed it and asked, "What's with the face Zen?"

Zen opened his mouth and close it, he can't say the reason it will only make him feel embarrassed. He can't say that he's having a stomach ache. He ate too much, he even ate the food that Aaron barely touched. He can only blame himself for being such a pig.

Josh saw the look on Zen's face and since they've known each for a long time its only natural for him to know what's happening to him right now. "He's in pain." He plainly said with no concern in his tone.

"Pain?" Aaron asked.

"He ate too much and that's what gets for being greedy." Nathalia used the same tone that Josh used earlier. Zen felt that these two childhood friends of his just threw him in the dump for being so mean to him.

"Can you both show at least a bit of concern for me?" Zen said while pouting like an abandoned cat in the streets.

Josh and Nathalia didn't respond to him and just continued their way to the skating rink. Them not responding to him makes him feel sad, his friends his closest friends don't care for him now, 'They're so heartless'

Since Anna is a soft-hearted person she asks him in a concerned tone to Zen "Is there something you want to ease the pain? Like medicine or something?"

At this moment, Zen thought that Anna is an angel sent down from heaven just for him. Even though they've just met she's showing concern for him that his childhood friends didn't show. He felt that the pain in stomach suddenly fades away, "No. I'm already fine with your angelic presence."

When Aaron heard this he frowns so did Nathalia. The way they heard it is more like Zen is flirting with Anna. Since Aaron is an overprotective brother he glares at Zen with killing intent, Zen noticed Aaron's glare and got confused. 'What did I do?'

Nathalia just frowned at Zen, 'Since when did this guy learned how to flirt with girls? I thought that he only knows how to flirt with his food.'

For Anna, she took it as a joke it doesn't have any meaning to her other than that he was just saying it in a friendly way. Zen did say it in a friendly term but Aaron and Nathalia have their own opinion in the matter.

When they reached their destination they put on their gears and started to skate around the rink except for Zen who's sitting in the bench groaning in pain. At first, Anna was planning to accompany Zen because he's going to be all alone but Aaron and Nathalia pulled her away from him. Looking at Zen right now she felt pity for him, he really does look like an abandoned kitten in the streets.

"That hurts!" Anna was startled by the sudden complain from Nathalia. She turns her head around and saw that Nathalia is on the floor and Aaron and Josh is just standing beside her as if nothing had happened.

"What happened?" She asked as she got near them.

"These two idiots bump into me and I fall down," Nathalia said while acting like a pitiful person in front of Anna. "They're not even helping me get up!" Both Aaron and Josh scoffed inwardly.

"It was an accident, Nathalia, there's no need to act like that." Aaron felt that Nathalia is being more clingy to his sister and his sister doesn't mind it but he does mind it. He's starting to feel that Nathalia is going take his sister away from him and he doesn't want that to happen!

"Even if it's an accident brother, you should have at least help her get up. She's a girl, after all, girls need to be treated with care." With these words coming out from Anna's mouth Nathalia felt delighted! She feels like she and Anna are becoming closer now, but she knows very not to get her hopes high there are still a wall that she needs to break before she can freely say that she's a friend to Anna Coleman.

"I do agree with you, but in her case..." Josh paused and looked at Nathalia, "'s a big fat no. She's a savage. She always causes so much trouble to me and Zen."

"Maybe she just wants your loving attention?" Anna said while slightly tilting her head.

'Loving attention?! Yuck! Who wants that from them?! Not me for sure!' Nathalia said inwardly. She really wants to vomit after hearing those words. She certainly does not want their 'loving attention' she just likes to cause them trouble that's all and nothing more. For her its fun to tease them.

"Yeah right..." Josh just scoff at Anna's claim and didn't continue the topic anymore.


"Boss are you sure you want to involve those kids too?" A guy who's wearing a black hoodie said the other line of the phone.

"Yes, I don't care. Just finish the job. It's their fault anyway for getting close with those two." A man's voice said on the other side of the line.

"Yes, boss we'll do it right away!" He hung up as he watched the young ones having their happy time in the skating rink.

He's been following them since they've entered the arcade earlier. He's waiting for the right time to make his move and go according to their plan. He doesn't want this plan to go to waste, after all, there's a big money for him on the line after all this are done.


While sitting on the bench in pain and while watching his friends having fun on the rink Zen suddenly got this uneasiness inside him, but Zen just shrugged it off. He thinks that it's only because of his stomach that he got that kind of feeling.