Revenge 43: Rumor Started

Two days have passed and for the most part, the preparation for the school event has been going smoothly. Anna has been quite busy since she and her brother is in charge of the decoration for their booth. Unfortunately, her brother has been slacking off on his duty. He helps a little and then sneaks off to practice for their varsity team play for the event too.

From time to time she wonders why did her brother even voluntarily be part of her team for the booth. Not only that her brother is giving her a headache the people who are in her team are a big headache too.

Most in her team are girls and there are only three guys who do the heavy lifting. The guys are not a headache for Anna but the girls are. They are too picky for the decorations and the decorations for their booth and it is not even halfway done.

"I don't like these designs? Change them." One of them said.

"Are you blind or what? These designs are exotic! It's a perfect match for our theme!" The other one said angrily while holding a piece of table cloth in her hands and show it to the girl who complained.

"You're the one who's blind! Our theme is 'Maid and Butler Cafe' it's supposed to be elegant and not some wild animal theme!"

Anna just sighs while watching the two girls argue but she has to agree to the other girl. Their theme was supposed to be elegant but this other girl has a different interpretation for the theme. Every decoration she showed to them was exotic and it reflects the wild animals in nature and right now she's holding a table cloth with orange and black stripes of a tiger.

"Whoa, she must have like wild animals so much." She said in a low voice but the three guys besides her overheard her and just chuckled lightly.

"I agree. Even though I'm a guy myself I think elegance is more suitable for our theme." As he said this Anna and the other guy agreed except for the other guy who's on Anna's left side.

"What?! No way! Those decorations are cooler than those whatever you called them!"

As Anna and three guys were talking ang laughing together the girls who were bickering turn their attention to Anna's direction. Annoyance burned inside of them, they felt like Anna has been catching a lot of attention from the guys inside their class and they didn't like it.

"Tch! Look at her! Who made her in charge of our team if she's just gonna flirt?"

"She's so annoying! She's been acting like a little miss perfect!"

Rebecca who just passed by overheard the girls' conversation and an idea suddenly flashed to her mind. 'Hmph! You made me embarrassed myself the other day Anna this time I'm gonna return the favor by making our classmates hate you!'

"She's not like that," Rebecca said acting like she's angry at the two girls.

The two girls look at Rebecca with an I'm uninterested look in their face. To them, Rebecca is just a passerby and she will never be in their same league. It will be a waste of time to talk her but hearing defending Anna intrigue them.

"What makes you say that? Are guys close?"

"Before yes..." Rebecca looked down before continuing with a low voice, "but now..." The two girls heard her and studied her expression carefully; since Rebecca is really good at acting like a victim she made her expression more realistic. "A-anyways! She's like that! Never!"

Rebecca turned around with a smirk on her face and went to her station leaving the two girls came up with a conclusion that Anna is not a good friend, abandoning her friend and yet that friend still defend her. "That Anna Coleman is truly is a fake! Even though I don't like Rebecca because she's not in the same league as us that doesn't mean we would overlook this. We should seek justice for Rebecca don't you think so?"

"I agree."

Deep down the true intention of the two girls is to ruin Anna because they don't like her a bit. They do doubt Rebecca's words that she and Anna are a close friend back then but this kind of opportunity to ruin Anna doesn't come often they better not waste it.


Anna was really glad that girls finally made a decision for the decoration in their booth, they finally settled in elegance for the theme.

"Anna, what's with your face? You look so irritated." Nathalia asked as she drinks her water bottle.

"Rumors started to stain my name."

Nathalia looked around and saw their classmates murmuring with each other while looking at their direction. "What kind of a rumor?" She asked.

"That I'm a slut and that I befriended Rebecca and abandoned her after I started high school in other words they made it look like I'm a bad person." Anna rolled her eyes while looking at her stupid classmates who easily judge her without any proof.

"Hmmm... Do you know who started this?" Nathalia doesn't like flies who spread false rumors. If someone spoke something about that isn't true she will pay them back doubled and she would do the same thing for her friend.

Since Nathalia is good at hacking, she can easily get into someone's files and she can easily expose them without any hesitation if they provoke her.

"I don't know who started the rumor but I do know who's the main core," Anna said with a grimed expression on her face.