Revenge 55: They Don't Know Him

"What do you think you are doing, sir?" The tone in his voice was very demanding as he grips the wrist of the old man. This made the old man trembled a little bit but he quickly regained his composure.

"Young man, don't you have any manners at all? Do mind your own business." The old man quickly took back his wrist away from the young man in front of him. He was furious, really furious, that this young man interrupted his chance not to let the young woman from getting in away from him and his companion.

Meanwhile, Anna turned her gaze on the person whose voice is very familiar to her. She saw Kyle Robertson, she was utterly shocked to see him in this kind of place; from what she knows about Kyle Robertson, according to the rumors they say that Kyle doesn't like crowded places like this, then why is he here? She was even more surprised to see that he stopped the old man from touching her. She was thankful and at the same time confused, she also heard from the rumors that Kyle doesn't bother from other people's business. Why did he butt in? Anna doesn't mind it at all and instead, she was very thankful but still, it's very confusing for Anna.

"Sir, I think what you were about to do is not appropriate at all." Kyle himself is confused too, he doesn't know why he butts in someone else's business. He usually doesn't care if some girl is harassed by some disgusting men. But now, why is he involving himself with someone he barely even know.

"Child, don't you think that you're being disrespectful to your elders, especially to me?! Don't you know who I am? I'm a respected man in this city. Don't think that you would get away by disrespecting me." The old man said in a low voice loud enough for Anna and Kyle to hear. The old man is being very careful with his every action because of everyone in this place is looking at them and he can't risk anything to ruin his perfect respected man in the public's eyes.

"I don't need to know you nor do I need to respect someone who touches a woman's body by his own lust." Kyle's voice was loud and clear to those people who are around them. Those who knew Kyle's identity as a Robertson they would most likely believe his words, while those who don't know Kyle would say that Kyle is looking for a death penalty for disrespecting with someone like the two old men in from of him.

The other old man stood up when he heard Kyle's voice, he was startled and afraid that Kyle might cause more problems for them. "Child, what nonsense do you think you are spouting?"

Anna looks at these two old men in front of her and only think that both of them doesn't have any idea of who Kyle really is. The Robertson family is very well known in the public just like the Coleman family. Many reporters have always tailed the Robertsons and every day there would be news of them and most likely everyone knows the faces of the Robertsons. But how come these two old men doesn't know Kyle? Aren't they well known in the public too?

"Nonsense? Do you think that someone like me would say something that I am not sure of?"

"Someone like you?" The two old men were annoyed by how Kyle is overconfident of himself. Do they even need to know this young man in front of them? The only thing they know is that this young man is not worth for them know of, just a waste of time.

Clearly, these two old men are doesn't read or watch the news and never saw the faces of the Robertson family. Some are already felt pity for these two for not being careful around Kyle and they know one thing that the Robertson family is famous for is that messing with one of them will be someone's worst regret in their entire life.

Meanwhile, Erik who has been watching the whole tension that is happening in the booth took out his phone and called Kyle sister, Lannie.

"What's up?" Lannie said in the other line.

"You better come here in Maid and Butler Cafe booth. Fast!" Erik didn't bother to explain anything to Lannie and after he said that he hung up. He was so surprised and excited to see Kyle acting like that; he's surprised because this is the first time that Kyle overstepped in someone's business because of a girl and at the same time excited because he wants to see more to this scene that Kyle stepped in.

After a few minutes, Lannie came inside the booth. Truth to be told she was actually surprised that Erik is also here at her school and her brother didn't tell her anything about Erik coming to her school. Her heart was beating to fast from being nervous, why did Erik called her to come? Is he gonna spend time with her? But her brother is also there should she just ignore her brother and just focus her attention to Erik? Maybe she just does that. Damn her brother for not telling her. Her heart is not ready for this.

But instead of focusing her whole attention to Erik she was more focus and surprised to see the commotion inside the booth. She saw Erik and walk towards his position, "What is happening over there with my brother?"