Revenge 118: Disrespectful

"I heard that the cup tournament between schools is coming up, brother. Are you participating?"

Aaron looked at Anna with an obvious expression on his face, "Obviously, I don't have any choice on the matter. It's either be with grandpa or sweat myself playing for the tournament." He said. "Between the two options, participating for the tournament is my best option."

"Wow, you really hate being with grandpa that much?" Anna asked.

"It's not like that, Anna. It's just... grandpa is putting too much work for me to do." Since Aaron is the only son its natural that Aaron has to prepare to handle the family business in the near future. That is why their grandfather is putting Aaron in too much work. And Aaron's way to escape such hell as he calls it, he joined the basketball team. At least in that field, he is having fun.

"Want me to become your assistant when you handle out family business in the future?" Anna suggested. She kind of feel bad that his brother is doing all of this alone. While she, on the other hand, is doing nothing to add some efforts for their family business.

"Well... I would like to have a beautiful assistant like you, but I don't want you to get tired. You're a Coleman princess you don't need to be an assistant, you're much better than that." Aaron said in a sweet tone.

Anna slightly pouted at her brother. All her life including her past life all of the people around her except for Rebecca and Juhan has been treating her like a princess. It's nice to have someone to treat her like that but it just too much for Anna. She does not want to be treated like that all the time. Because if they continue to treat her like that Anna will feel that she is still very weak.

"But I don't want to be treated like that all the time brother. I also want to do something for our family." Anna said facing Aaron with a serious look on her face.

Aaron raises an eyebrow at her. He was pondering for a while then smiled at Anna, "Then how about you choose a path that will still contribute to the image of our family. A different path I mean." Aaron does not want Anna to become a businesswoman like the previous generation of their family.

Since the very beginning of the family, every generation's career has always been about business. Now, Aaron thinks that its time for the Coleman family to change. Of course, the family business will still continue but they needed something new for the family. A fresh new air, it might even do them good.

"Well... I guess you are right. But I don't know what I want though..."

"You don't? Is there really something you want to try? You always want to do?" He asked. It is impossible for someone not to know what they want to do or want to do. Everyone always has something that they want to try, whether it is small or not every single human being has a dream of their own.

Anna pondered; she thinks way back in her past life and then remembered the time when she was trying to pursue her dream; to be a painter. She always had a passion for doing paintings, that's her way of expressing her emotions. Aside from going to a motorbike exhibition she also goes to an art exhibition, adoring all kinds of painting that has meaning to it.

But that dream of hers was chased away by Juan. He stopped her from pursuing her dream, saying that 'You and Rebecca are friends and the public knows that. You might overshadow Rebecca if you continue this dream of yours, you don't want that to happen now, do you?'

Since Anna was so naive in her past life she immediately followed Juan's words. How come she did not notice it right away that Juan cares a lot more towards Rebecca. It was obvious, it always has been obvious. He always put Rebecca first than her; Anna does not even remember the time where Juan put her first in his priority.

"Well... I've been thinking of wanting to be a painter though." She said shyly.

This second life of hers is a chance to change everything. Why not go and try to achieve her dream? In this chance of her, there is no one who will be stopping her from doing what she wants. She is already cutting ties with Rebecca and Juan is not gonna enter the picture anytime soon, so she might as well do things before Juan and Rebecca join forces to bring her down once again.

"Do it. Nobody is stopping you. I'm sure grandpa and mother will support you on whatever you want." Aaron is right. Her relationship with her grandfather is better than in her past life, her grandfather will surely support her no matter what Juan might say.

"Mr. Coleman and Ms. Coleman! You two are in my class right now how dare both of you to talk while I'm in the middle of my lesson!" Their teacher suddenly shouted. This startled Anna and Aaron; they were so immersed in their conversation that they have forgotten that they are still in class. "Just because the two of you are children of a powerful family that doesn't mean you two have to disrespect me like this!"

Anna and Aaron can only say one word right now, 'WOW'. This teacher of theirs made it sound like Anna and Aaron is always disrespectful towards her all the time. As far as the twins remember this is only the only time they have been rude towards her.

If they have to be honest the twins will admit that they were talking and being rude towards her but this is only the first time they've done it. So Anna and Aaron think that this teacher should have pardoned them at least or scold them but not accused them as if they've have done this multiple times.