Revenge 159: Cutting Off His Credit Card

"Why did you chose this place for me to stay?"

When Leon heard that question, a mysterious teasing smile appeared on his handsome face. The place his boss is temporarily staying at, he picked it on purpose. "You don't like it, boss?" Leon asked. Leon look around the place, the design and everything is his boss' style. In other words, this place is perfect for his boss.

"I do like it. But this place is giving me a feeling that it's hard for me to describe." He likes that room, it is his taste, but for some reason, the place is giving him the feeling that has not felt for a very long time; the feeling of wanting to kill someone. Is it just his imagination that he is feeling this way? Or has it been a long since the last time he had done such a thing?

"Oh? The great Arion Coleman is having a hard time explaining things?" Leon said in a teasing tone.