Revenge 200: Not Telling Her In Advance

"Come on! Let me come with you guys!" Ophius looks so pitiful right now. He looks like a little child begging to its mother to come along.  But one knows that Ophius is only being playful. Whether Aaron agrees or not, Ophius will still come.

Had enough of Ophius pointless whining, Aaron finally gave up. "Fine. But I'm the one riding that bike, you go with Lucia." He said in a firm tone.

"Eh? Why?"

"You're asking me why?" Aaron said as if Ophius' question are the most ridiculous thing he had heard. "My reason is quite obvious, Ophius. I don't want either you and Lucia riding  with my sister. Who knows what kind of tactics you two have in mind." Hearing that, Ophius was somehow felt offended by Aaron accusation.