Revenge 228: Who Is The Real Culprit

"Wait. Our grandfather has a sister?" After listening to her brother's story, Lannie's mind is in a mess. She never had any clue that their grandfather has a sister, but then again, their grandfather never said anything. " This is such a surprise. What should I call her? Grandma aunty Shine or aunty grandma Shine?"

Hearing that last statement from his little sister, Kyle's lips twitched. Kyle expected her to ask a question that he can answer, but she instead asked a question that is not truly important. "Lannie, that question is not really relevant, and please don't you ever call our grandfather's sister either of those two, you hear me?" He felt that his sister just said something so weird and that he couldn't handle to hear it everything they are going to talk about their grandma Shine.

"What? Why am I not allowed to call her either of those?"