Revenge 254: Spying On Them

"Don't you think that what we're doing is wrong?" A woman with a big black summer hat with a scarf covers half of her face said in a guilty tone.

"Mary, if you think that what we're doing is wrong, then you should not have come along with me." Another woman said who is wearing big black sunglasses and a big summer hat.

"Layla, you're the one who forced me out of my office, don't say it as if I came along with you willingly," Mary said to Layla with a frown on her face.

Mary was in the office working on some paperwork, but her work was interrupted by Layla who suddenly barged into her office without any notice. At first, Mary did not mind it since Layla has always been like that in the past, but when she heard Layla's reason for barging in, Mary frowns at her and said that she does not want to get involved.