Revenge 292: Interesting II

Leonardo borrowed Mary's laptop, then he hacked his way into Aaron's file. It took him half an hour to be able to have full access to every file Aaron's have.

"I'm quite amazed that your son's computer skill has increased. Did he made all these encoding and viruses by himself?" Leonardo asked.

"Yes. He did all that by himself. One time, he asked me to hack into his files just to see if his security system is hard or easy to access." Mary can only laugh at the face her son made when she got into his files in just twenty minutes. It's quite a sight. "He is improving day by day. At this rate, Aaron will be able to impress the elders in no time."

Leonardo only nodded in reply, then he continues to search for the twin's target. Once he found the file the needed to read, Leonardo's eyebrow rose up and he started to laugh in amusement.