Revenge 306: Dinner II

"Of course I am fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Mary said hiding the fact that she feeling all sorts of emotion she does not want to feel. She also does not want to affect her children with her negative emotions.

"Mom, we're your kids. We know when you are lying to us." Other than looking up to his uncle Leonardo, Arion also looks up to his mother. He always observes his mother when she is working, and he remembered the time that he tried to read through all the business reports his mother reads. That is his way of trying to understand more of his mother's world.

Since little and up until now, he knows his mother very well. When she lies and when she is hiding something from him and his sister.

Initially, Aaron would stay silent and wait for his mother to speak, however, now that this is all happening in just a day, he won't wait. He has to say something or else it will leave a mark of guilt on him.