Revenge 319: Hope That You'll Forgive Me

"Bro, why are you glaring at me like that? What did I ever do to you!"

Does Kyle not noticed how much he cheers for him? Even though his boss doesn't like him for Anna, he, on the other hand, likes him very much to be Anna's long-lasting partner. Kyle should be thanking him instead! If it weren't for him, Anna would still be confused about her feelings.

'Where is my justice!' Leon inwardly cried.

"You told Anna that I knew that her father is here. Why did you do it?" Kyle asked.

"What do you mean 'why'?" Leon spoke with a pout plastered on his face. "They were being honest with each other the other, so I can't help but be honest too. Besides, you didn't say that I should keep it a secret. So the fault is not on me."