Revenge 352: Your Lover Is Not Here To Accompany You

"You know what's really disappointing right now, brother?" Anna asked as she wipes the bloodstain on her favorite dagger.

"Are you still not satisfied with the pain Juan is dealing with right now?" Their main goal is to make Juan suffer before they kill him, and looking at Juan, it seems like Juan bled enough blood to satisfy him. But if his sister thinks that it's not enough, then it would be his pleasure to continue torturing Juan for her sake.

"I am satisfied, and it's time almost time for his end. But what I'm talking about it's really about him, brother."

"Please. Do tell me, so that this brother of yours can understand." As that twins were talking, Juan is staring at them with full of hatred in his eyes. He kept on begging for his life, but no matter how many times he did it, they turn deaf on his words and only listen to the scream he releases.