Revenge 441: Incredible Luck

"I can go because I have permission to go. It's not like I'm going because I want to. And need I remind you that you are the one who wanted me to go in the first place." It's not like Anna wanted to go, and she was truly hoping that her mother will not allow her to go, but unexpectedly, her mother agreed.

She can only show a fake smile to her mother and uncle Alfonso because of that approval.

"Ah, yes. It is my fault." Aaron showed a smile, a smile that really irritates Anna. "So, all I need is to get permission from our mother, then I'm off to go with Nathalia?"

"Uh... Yeah."  Anna hesitated. From the way Aaron is talking, it is as if Nathalia already agreed for Aaron to come with her. "Did Nathalia even allowed you to come with her?"