Purity and Inheritance


What a number!

Just 5% more and Draco would be the literal incarnation of Lucifer. With a whole 95%, he wasn't far off from that as well!

The Snake on the table was shocked when it heard that, meaning it could understand the human language. This fact was what startled Draco much more than learning of his bloodline.

Fyre laughed and patted her Pet Snake on its head gently, speaking to it in a weird and raspy language. Draco was startled to find that even though the language was completely foreign to him, the now awake Black Dragon could understand it.

Though they weren't connected properly and could only transfer feelings as well as the barest form of correspondence, Draco was able to understand what Fyre was saying roughly.

"He is my nephew, Draco. We don't know his exact Serpentine Affinity, so can you help him discover it?"