

The only Luckmancer in the whole of Boundless currently?! Just how rare could such a thing be?

A Luckmancer was exactly as the name stated, a person who manipulated luck to achieve effects and outcomes they wanted. It was the class that would come into being when a player inserted all their points into luck before they hit level 10.

The seven stats were Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Spirit, Charisma and Luck. Each of these stats could be min-maxed to the highest degree, producing a unique and aberrant class that had extremely eccentric abilities.

Out of all these unique classes, was the most valued class to any guild that wanted to reach the Divine-tier, a Luckmancer.

A Luckmancer was the person who opened chests and blessed the guild with endless success through their godly hands. A Luckmancer never drew the short stick, they were like those 'Mary Sue' characters in novels.