Draco and Dragon 4

Everyone's attention on the battlefield turned to the magnificent sight that was the large black portal above the hill.

 It baffled them as to how they could have failed to notice this earlier, but even those players around Draco hadn't sensed anything amiss.

Draco closed his eyes and was communicating with his Black Dragon. Loving Aunt had placed her hand on his back, whispering into his ear, guiding every step of his endeavor.

Draco had only ever relied on his instincts, enabling him to summon gigantic appendages for a single attack by burning all his bloodline energy. What Draco normally used was a powered-up version of the Basic Manifestation Technique, which every member under the Serpent God Inheritance knew by default. 

Aunt Fyre was exceptionally well trained in the techniques of the Serpent God Inheritance. She had also been responsible for teaching many of the more talented members of the Lineage in their youth.