Details Of Update 1

「Boundless System-wide Announcement 

Welcome to Update 1 of Boundless!  

A few changes have been made to the core system to enhance gameplay while some new mechanics have been introduced. Please check the changelog below to verify; 

- Guild Wars 

- Guild Text Chat 

- Guild Voice Chat 

- Tier 1 Realism 

- Technique Boosting 

- Durability  

- Repair Sub-Trade 

- Photo mode  

- Upgraded Intermediary Trade Center  

- Increased Number of Expansions for Maximum Inventory Slots」 


Draco and Riveting Night spawned in the ruined Plains of Deriam, right where they had been before they logged out. It looked like they hadn't even left at all, as Roma and Qiong Qi didn't seem surprised when they entered.  

Draco sighed. This was why he had no qualms birthing children with NPCs or doing what he wanted in this world without fear. At the end of the day, even with how real Boundless felt, it wasn't real.