
Qiong Qi traversed a special realm that could not be located on any available map of Boundless. The realm was a place of eternal night, with only a fake moon illuminating the dark sky.  

There were a few stars here and there in the dotted sky, and the earth was covered with lush grass and endless trees. Many rivers, lakes and water bodies reflected the beautiful moonlight.  

No matter where you looked, prey animals roamed abound. Deer, sheep, moose and many more. 

It was quite frankly, the dream realm for any predator animal that enjoyed hunting. Qiong Qi walked through this realm without any hint of wonder or excitement on his face.  

For a change, the usually shameless Lion looked incredibly serious and solemn at this time. All the prey animals of this bizarre realm fled away when they noticed him, screaming in terror as well as warning their brethren.