Umbra Mall 3

The core members of Umbra shared a look as they climbed up to the 6th floor with Draco. So far, the first five floors of the Rank 7 Shop had been exactly how they had expected and slightly more.  

It was like a mall, with each higher floor possessing greater and greater benefits and fewer detriments to those able to rent it. The fifth floor alone may have been limited 5 shop spaces, but each one acted almost like its own mini-market.  

The kind of profits those shops could make the vendors was truly terrifying. If Umbra received only 10% yet could still earn slightly more than 150,000 platinum per week, only God knew how much they all made with 90% remaining in their hands. 

On each floor, there had been a hefty human presence, but the core members had ignored them as they did their inspection. The fifth floor alone was more congested than a market during that famous black-something sale day from before World War 3.