The Merchant King

Money Lover sat in a chair around a round table. With him were five other men and women in different garbs of opulence. 

The room they were in was similar to a conference room for lords of different empires to discuss business treaties in. Behind each of the 6 people in the room were various servants and guards in heavy armor, waiting in silence. 

Money Lover had greatly changed from when he first entered the quest. He went from a young lord who had been disgraced to a man of limitless wealth, with many rings and adornments on his body, making him blend in with the others. 

Soon, a woman who was quite fat and pudgy spoke in a croaky voice. "Now that all of us Merchant Lords of Boroneo are assembled, we shall conduct the selection ceremony for the appointment of the centennial Merchant King." 

"Bah, who doesn't know this? Get on with it!" Shouted another pudgy man who had more chins than years left to live.