Ranking Up 3

Draco checked the rest of the options he had on the list and saw that everything aside from the Paragon of Destruction class was there and had remained unchanged. 

The only difference that made him want to spit blood was the fact that his 10 million platinum for the attempt hadn't been refunded! 

The system had rolled back to a point before he even began the quest, so what was going on here? Should his money not have returned as well? 

However, Draco, for once, found that he couldn't open his dog mouth to complain. His tongue was gripped by logic telling him that even paying 10 million platinum was too small a price compared to the harm the attempt had caused. 

Which sane human being saw a success chance of 0.00001% and thought 'hey, I might just succeed!'? Only an arrogant bastard like Draco, who did not revere the heavens or the earth, would do this.