Plains Of The Colossus 4

The Colossi Sergeant was overwhelmed by Eva's superior skill and might, forcing his female companion who had been assisting the troops to come to his aid. 

「Name: Colossi Tactician – Sergeant Rank monster 

Level: 40 

HP: 72,000/72,000」 

She had slightly less health and was not meant for direct combat. Hers was a mage class, but more as a backline supporter. However, her use in this battle was limited as there were too many enemies, and she knew too little AOEs. 

Before this Colossi Tactician could reinforce the Sergeant, she got blocked by Zaine and Roma. The gypsy had no need to manually control her Witch Slaves as they all had extreme intelligence, so she could act as back up for Zaine who was the lowest level out of all of them.