The Youth Of Supernatural 1

Riveting Night nodded towards the 1,000 members of the trainees under her care. They were all beaten and battered, looking like they had walked through a cyclone and lived to tell the tale, but their expressions were lit up in pride and glee at their own accomplishment. 

Within 1 day of entering the game, they had all climbed to level 10! 

Of course, when one remembered that Draco had not only done the same, but even reached level 52 in mere hours, it really dampened this accomplishment to the point where it became insignificant… 

Luckily, these fellows were unaware! Thank the stars for that, or their contentment at their prowess would devolve into stage 10 depression. 

"Not bad. You all managed to survive and actually pass my second test. You only have your leader to thank for that." She said as her ever-dark hood turned to face the brown-skinned archer. 

Tunder Power bowed with respect. "Nothing but my bare minimum duty."