Boundless vs The World 2

Diao gave a complimentary pause for the audience to digest the issues stated before she continued. "We shall begin with the first issue, whether or not the game 'Boundless World' promotes the abuse of human rights." 

Diao then gazed at one of the clerks and nodded. "Bring in the first witness please." 

The male clerk rose up and called the name of the witness, who turned out to be a young girl of about 17 years. She was quite pretty and had a good figure, her backside enough to steal the attention of all onlookers as she walked in. 

Yet her face was not one that showed pleasure from attention, but gaunt from haunting trauma. She sat down in the witness box and glared at Amber with hate in her eyes. 

"Hello Miss Julia Bifero. You were one of the people who have lodged a complaint against the studio, for suffering the horrible crime of being raped by a group of men, is that correct?" Diao asked softly.