Third Ascension Ceremony 1

Once they adopted these two forms in particular, the entire Field Zone trembled. Draco had morphed into his Black Dragon form, which was identical to the one that took the form of his soul. His size was huge, more than three times the size of a large barn. 

Eva though, had changed into a blazing Dragon of Light. She wasn't truly a Dragon like Draco, but rather pure Light Energy that took the shape of a Dragon, so there were physiological and fundamental differences between the two. 

However, that did not matter in this case. What mattered was the raw power they both wielded that caused the area to shake. Draco smirked as he shared a look with Eva, the White-Haired Duo pouncing on the almost half-dead Sand King. 

They synchronized their attacks perfectly, Draco using his Destruction Claw while Eva used her Hand of Light. These two simple attacks of their respective forms struck the Sand King and blasted a hole into the earth.