Individual Tournament 9

Noble Soul had the backing of the English behind him, who made their cheers and praise known. Many loved his valiant and driven demeanor, and his aesthetic made him seem like a knight of the round table. 

A nickname had already begun circulating for him, which was the 'Red Knight'. Many felt this was quite fitting given his color disposition. The only thing the fellow was lacking was a noble steed to carry him about. 

As for Slight Breeze, just like Cold Summer, she was also one of the original 8 Expert members of Umbra, merely one level below the core members. The Epic variant of her previous Aeromancer class was called Syphid. 

She was - surprisingly - Indian, and her people loudly cheered for. After all, she was the only other powerhouse from their country aside from Kiran, so they had to put in their all to represent their country. 

The two fighters squared off in the arena as Amber declared that the battle should begin.