Individual Tournament 20

4th Match: Loving Aunt vs Quiet Blade (Cobra)! 

Loving Aunt casually climbed the stage on the left while Cobra came up on the right. His face was grim as he knew he was in for a tough one and there was no running from it. 

When Amber called for the match to begin, Cobra instantly used Extreme Stealth to disappear to stop his opponent from doing it. 

Alas, Loving Aunt simply smiled widely as she unleashed a myriad of skills. 

Toxic Supremacy! 

Acid Rain! 

Toxic Cloud! 

Poison Ivy! 

Toxic Supremacy was her passive that reduced HP by 1.5% every second for everyone within 3 miles of her person and even increased her poison-related abilities by 40%. 

Acid Rain was an active skill that showered the area with greenish-purple droplets that dealt variable damage depending on the type of poison Loving Aunt used, and also had a range of 3 miles that would last for 1.5 minutes.