(2/2) The Raid 4

It had been 6 hours since the Raid started. 

What had started out as a tense and exciting atmosphere as the onlookers were ready to watch how the number 1 player would challenge the 1,000 other best players had turned into an event that could only be found on the darkweb, never aired on TV or openly shared on the normal internet. 


Because it was that traumatizing. 

At first, there had been hope. When they had respawned for the first time, many roared with defiance at Draco, charging at him to end his dog life for humiliating them in public like this. 

This time, he slaughtered each of them one by one. For members of Umbra, he commented on their flaws casually, yet for non-members, he basically tortured them while telling them that stealing a spot from his guild was punishable by death.